Thank you for taking the first step in becoming a birth doula!

It may feel like a leap to begin a new career, but the doula sisterhood is one of the most supportive, loving communities out there.

You’ll be encouraged and supported along the way! While you wait for your guide, watch the video below that our DONA Birth Doula Trainer, Debra created for you. You’ll learn the 5 top reasons why doulas are a necessary part of the Maternity Care system right now.

Orgasmic Birth’s Founder, is an experienced and sought-after DONA Birth and Postpartum Doula Trainer with over 30 years of experience training tens of thousands of Doula, Doctors, Midwives, Nurses, Educators and Practitioners in the field of childbirth.

Orgasmic Birth’s Founder, is an experienced and sought-after DONA Birth and Postpartum Doula Trainer with over 30 years of experience training tens of thousands of Doula, Doctors, Midwives, Nurses, Educators and Practitioners in the field of childbirth.

“Debra is phenomenal and speaks with such passion 

and experience.” 

-Tynisha Davis, Workshop Participant

Throughout the year Debra teaches both in-person and online trainings and retreats.

She facilitates and teaches DONA Approved Birth Doula and Postpartum Doula Trainings, Advanced Skills Retreats, The Orgasmic Birth Practitioner Membership, and more. 

What participants are saying...

“You will learn everything in an efficient, organized, and energizing way. It was incredible. You will leave feeling ready and eager to practice the skills you learned. And you will automatically have a new community of supportive women in your life. This is more than a training, it brings you together will like-minded souls. You will find your tribe!” -Katie, Workshop Participant

“The birth doula training completely shifted my beliefs about birth, and I would highly recommend anyone interested in feeling more empowered about women’s health and birth to take this course even if they are not planning on a career as a doula. I feel like the knowledge I gained was invaluable and that at the very least, I will be able to support friends, family, and myself to have a much more positive birth experience.” -Katerina, Workshop Participant

“This is not just a Birth Doula Training workshop – this is a history, psychology, sociology, physiology, semantics, anatomy and women’s empowerment class taught by a woman who is generous with vast breadth of knowledge and experience, as well as generous with her enthusiasm and her heart.” – Kim, Workshop Participant