For Doulas

Are you ready to begin your career as a birth or postpartum Doula or expand your Doula knowledge and skills?

We have classes, workshops, retreats and membership geared to exactly where you are and what you need.

Meet Your Teacher

Debra Pascali-Bonaro, LCCE, AdvCD/BDT/PDT(DONA)

Orgasmic Birth’s Founder, Debra Pascali-Bonaro is a highly trained, experienced and sought-after DONA Birth and Postpartum Doula Trainer with over 30 years of experience training tens of thousands of Doula, Doctors, Midwives, Nurses, Educators and Practitioners in the field of childbirth.

Throughout the year she teaches both in-person and online trainings and retreats.

DONA Birth Doula Training, includes the  Introduction to Childbirth 

*Elysia’s training and other international workshops with translation will not include Intro. to Childbirth

Debra’s world class trainings cover a wide range of information on

    • Racism and Racial disparities | A systemwide problem and the role a doula plays in helping to reduce disparities, create equity and birth justice globally
    • Respectful Care for all why birth is a human rights issue
    • Evidence and Science | The best practices and the current gaps between evidence and practice
    • Language matters | How our words can shape experiences
    • The hormonal physiology of childbirth | How doulas can help fill hormonal gaps
    • The role of continuous support learning the story of birth
    • The role and scope of practice for DONA Certified doulas
    • Social Model to Medical Model of Birth | How this change 100 years ago has offered benefits but also stripped people of their power, respect, dignity and the support they deserve.
    • Reconnecting the Circle of Support | The emotions of birth: integrating mind, body and soul Prenatal skills for doulas
    • Comfort measures and positions for labor and birth
    • Techniques to support posterior labors
    • Postpartum traditions and care
    • Postpartum Bodies, Postpartum Emotions, Postpartum families

…and so much more!

Upcoming Trainings


Orgasmic Birth Practitioner Training

Remove the shame and stigma associated with birth as an orgasmic experience.

Call forth the divine feminine power that has been shunned away.

Give voice to women who have been silenced.

Be an advocate and active participant in bringing forth change and removing the inequities that exist in the medical field when it comes to birth and postpartum.

Be a leader in the return to the way birth was meant to be.

Join us now and be part of the shift back to a more natural, gentle birth experience for the benefit of mother, baby, and the world!

Are you ready to begin your doula practice or learn how to support your partner, friend, or family at their birth?

Are you a nurse who would like to enhance your comfort skills or are you a community doula looking to expand your skills?

If you said yes to any of these, our doula workshops are for you!

We bring together people from all backgrounds and experiences to discuss the challenges and learn how to support the  love and pleasure that are available in safe, respectful and gentle birth in any setting.

DONA Birth Doula Training

Our doula training support you to learn how to care for others during childbirth

Debra Pascali-Bonaro’s Orgasmic DONA Approved Birth Doula Training will provide you with sessions covering the Introduction to Childbirth and DONA Birth Doula Workshop,  2 requirements to begin your DONA Birth Doula Certification and support you in beginning your doula practice. 

Eat Pray Doula - Bali, Indonesia

Birth and Advanced Doula Retreats in Bali, Indonesia

Comprehensive Bliss Childbirth Education for Doulas

Get the education and tools you need to support your clients in having a safe, pleasurable, and empowering birth!

Our signature Doula training, Comprehensive Bliss: Transform Pain to Power, provides the unique blend of scientific knowledge, engaging activities, birth stories, and expert guidance that you need to stand out from the crowd as a Doula leading the way to a happier, healthier birth experience!

Expecting parents want to be informed, inspired, and empowered. 

They want to be educated so that they can understand the options that are available to them.

They want to create a unique birth plan that aligns with their desires and the way they want to welcome their baby into the world. 

And they are depending on you to guide them.

I am here to help you address their fears and learn what science says is the safest way to birth a baby with power and pleasure! 

Through my revolutionary birth course, Comprehensive Bliss: Transform Pain to Power, you will be equipped with everything you need to empower your clients to feel brave and confident to birth with power instead of fear and pain.

“The course was jam packed with information and amazing resources. I especially loved all of the interviews with some key players in the “birth world” as well as the recorded lectures with Debra.
It’s been months since I took the course and I’m still digesting the information and incorporating it into my work as a Doula and birth coach. I found this course to be extremely valuable.”
Nancy Martin
Alumnus and Doula

Learn more about our Comprehensive Bliss Course and get a free sample!

Orgasmic Birth Virtual Conference

Join Debra Pascali-Bonaro and 23 Leading Birth Experts to gain thoughtful education, practical advice, and powerful tools that will transform your pregnancy, birth, and parenthood.


Would you like to extend your Doula services beyond the delivery room?

Are you yourself a new mom and struggling to tap back into your sexuality and connect with your partner after having your baby?

In our signature 9-week class, Debra offers her lifetime of wisdom working with new parents to guide you with her simple actionable steps that will turn your struggles into opportunities for more love, fun, and SEX! ​

Join Debra and an intimate sisterhood for this journey into your sexuality! Learn how to heal your body and any trauma you may have experienced prior to or during birth that is blocking your ability to connect with your partner. 

Develop a practice of pleasure to nurture yourself so that you can feel your radiance in all aspects of your life — parenting, relationships, work…

“With great love, science, and experience, Debra jumps inside the most challenging parenting problems and presents easily workable solutions. Yes! You can not only have a great sex life, but a better sex life than ever before, and still be a wonderful parent!”
Regena Thomashauer
Founder and CEO of Mama Gena's School of Womanly Arts Author of the New York Times bestseller, "Pussy: A Reclamation"

As a Doula, this class will provide the information and tools you need to support your clients beyond the delivery room, increasing your impact and expanding your practice!

Click the button below to learn more about our signature Sex After Baby Class, based on the best-selling book, “The Ultimate Guide to Sex After Baby: Secrets to Love and Intimacy”.

Introducing the film that started the pleasurable birth movement!

Joyous, sensuous, and revolutionary, Orgasmic Birth brings the ultimate challenge to our cultural myths by inviting viewers to see the emotional, spiritual, and physical heights attainable through birth. 

Learn about the risks and dangers of the overuse of medical/cesarean births and discover the benefits of a safe, sexy, orgasmic birth!

Get 40% off our Orgasmic Birth Film and receive
“How to Have a Big O Birth” with our 5 Essential Tips for Pleasure!

(exclusive guide not available anywhere else)

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    Orgasmic Birth

    Orgasmic Birth


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    Background Image 1: Debra as doula © Monet Nicole
    Background Slideshow: © Apple Blossom Families, © Peppermint Birth Services, © Monet Nicole