Besides being a Medical Doctor, Nienke Stoop was trained to be an Acupuncturist, Master Face Reader, Life Coach, Fertility Expert and Healer. She is dedicated to bridging Western science and Eastern wisdom, facilitating the dawn of a new paradigm in Personal Health, Medicine and Healing. Nienke is the co-founder of de Geboortenis Foundation, a Dutch initiative in the support of integral – body&mind focussed health in childbirth and healthcare in the first 1000 days. 

In 2021 she published her first book in the Netherlands called Life Force- your first 1000 days in a new light. I have been grateful to have met Nienke in person joining her to speak about Orgasmic birth and also as a part of our Birth Your Dreams Mastermind as we learn from Marie Forleo’s B-School so that we can transform our birth business with pleasure too.


In this episode:

  • The importance of the first 1000 days of a baby’s life and how it holds the key to health, happiness, and a blueprint for a healthy life
  • Nienke is the co-founder of a Dutch initiative in support of integral body and mind health in childbirth and in healthcare in the first 1000 days. 
  • The importance of having a gentle and sacred birth experience for both the mother and the baby
  • Nienke explains how a well-supported birth process can positively impact the life of a child
  • Why the role of the parents in preparing their child for birth, including making emotional connections before birth and being present and compassionate during the birth process

Key Takeaways:

  • The first 1000 days of a baby’s life are crucial for their overall health and happiness
  • Nienke’s own journey as a medical doctor and a mother inspired her to focus on promoting healthy pregnancies and births
  • Birth is a magical window that can be made into a gentle and joyful transition with the right support.
  • Connecting with the baby before birth can have a positive impact on their wellbeing after birth
  • Parents can help their baby through a gentle transition into the world by being present, compassionate, and explaining what is happening
Join Debra and Nienke to Birth YOUR Dreams. 
Sign up for the amazing Marie Forleo’s FREE “Dream Business Bootcamp”, and if you love it and decide to join her paid program “B-School” you will be invited to join my private group of Birthworkers from around the world to connect, collaborate and learn together. Plus, some very special bonuses.
 I am an affiliate of B-School and do receive a fee if you join the paid course, however, I am a huge fan and it’s helped me Birth all of my dreams over the years. I truly believe in its value. If you have questions, please let me know. 

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