Ep. 122 – Deepen Your Emotional & Physical Bond with Your Partner After a Baby with Tarah Kerwin

Navigating the wild ride of new parenthood? Learn how to deepen your bond with your partner, even amidst the chaos this week on @OrgasmicBirth, with Family Therapist, Tarah Kerwin.
#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #RelationshipRenovation #RelationshipTransition #NewParents #PostpartumChallenges #CommunicationTips #SupportSystems
Visit https://www.orgasmicbirth.com/ for more information on how to Positively Prepare for birth and parenting.

Ep. 121 – Balanced Body Approach For Birth And Pelvic Health with Rachael Van Schoick

Pregnancy and birth can be full of unexpected twists and turns. This week on @OrgasmicBirth, Doula Rachael Van Schoick shares her holistic approach to pelvic alignment and emotional healing postpartum.
#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #pregnancywellness #holisticbirth #pelvichealth #postpartumrecovery #osteopathy #maternalhealth #birthprep
Visit https://www.orgasmicbirth.com/ for more information on how to Positively Prepare for birth and parenting.

Orgasmic Birth Creates Breastfeeding Ease

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Unrecognized by medicine for years, myself and other birth workers were noting that childbirth was a fully integrated mind-body-soul experience, full of hormone release, emotions, and with deeply sacred and physical components. It was apparent that birth was designed to create ease in breastfeeding, bonding and the important attachment of MotherBaby love. Dr. Sarah Buckley’s Hormonal Physiology report was the science to back up all we knew and believed deep down – that a challenging or traumatic birth was creating more difficulties to overcome, often making it harder to breastfeed, increasing risks of depression and adjustment to parenthood.

extended breastfeeding benefits

The larger a child grows the more a mother will be subjected to the judgment of others, and this can push some to give up on breastfeeding earlier than they otherwise would. 

Despite the World Health Organization recommending that breast milk can make up a part of a child’s diet for two years and beyond, it is rare to see Mothers make it past six months in western countries. 

But why?

World Breastfeeding Week 2018

posted in: Parenting, Postpartum | 0

Mamas, Let’s Unite Over Breastfeeding by WeTheParents This year’s World Breastfeeding Week rocked! Finishing last week, this global celebration, once again, brought people together from all countries and cultures to pay homage to that most incredible and ancient of parenting … Continued

100 Reason to Choose the Breast

posted in: Blog, Postpartum | 2

Over 100 Reasons To Choose the Breast This World Breastfeeding Week Breastfeeding makes the African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” all too real. The success of breastfeeding isn’t just reliant upon mom & baby, but upon … Continued

The Mindful Cesarean

posted in: Blog, Doulas, Postpartum, Pregnancy | 0

Introducing “The Mindful Cesarean” by Mary Esther Malloy, MA While most placentas move as the uterus grows, this one didn’t. It was covering Renee’s cervix, obstructing her baby’s exit. Her doctor was certain that a cesarean would be the best … Continued

World Breastfeeding Week 2016

posted in: Blog, News, Postpartum | 0

by Megan Stark What if every woman who wanted to breastfeed was supported in this choice, fully, by her family, peers, community, government, workplace, how different would our world be? World Breastfeeding Week is coming to a close today – and … Continued

Birth Memories: Are you Thriving in Childbirth & Motherhood?

Have you thought about what you want to take with you from your birth into the rest of your life? What birth story do you want to tell your children and grandchildren? Have you wondered how you can create Pleasurable … Continued