extended breastfeeding benefits

The larger a child grows the more a mother will be subjected to the judgment of others, and this can push some to give up on breastfeeding earlier than they otherwise would. 

Despite the World Health Organization recommending that breast milk can make up a part of a child’s diet for two years and beyond, it is rare to see Mothers make it past six months in western countries. 

But why?

World Breastfeeding Week 2018

posted in: Parenting, Postpartum | 0

Mamas, Let’s Unite Over Breastfeeding by WeTheParents This year’s World Breastfeeding Week rocked! Finishing last week, this global celebration, once again, brought people together from all countries and cultures to pay homage to that most incredible and ancient of parenting … Continued

Baby 6

posted in: Blog, Parenting, Pregnancy | 0

Some years after our 5th daughter was born I felt this strong longing for another baby. It was more like a calling. My rational mind told me I was crazy wanting another one after 5 babies especially that I feel … Continued