by Nena Complo
When you were almost here, about ready to emerge
I knelt upon my bed, and fell into deep prayer
To you
I told you about everyone in the room, loving you and waiting for you
I confided my love for you, my commitment to you as your mother
As the one bringing you in
I told you that your entrance would be as gentle as possible
I fell into this prayer,
I wept,
I poured my heart out to you.
Then I stood up
And returned to our altar.
I resumed deep meditation,
In essential silence.
It was you and me and Spirit,
You and me and the angels in the room,
You and me and our love
Beyond all realms of time and space,
You and me and our sacred ancestors
Guiding us closer and closer together.
No fear came into this one;
No fear entered this birth
No hesitation
No resistance
Nothing could withstand the love
There was only love,
Only oneness
Mind, body, soul
Me, you, Spirit
Birth, life, death
All at once;
All of me, and all of you
And there you were —
Emerging in the waterfall
Of amniotic fluid.
Your daddy and I helped you land softly,
And then he stood back.
And I knelt down
And claimed you into my arms,
My baby, my One
I asked for you and you asked for me, too
You beckoned to me from the other side
You signaled the deep waves coming;
Of transformation, of alchemy
Your birth gave me peace beyond measure
A peace that only comes through oneness
With life and death, body and Spirit.
To know the power that we are.
My third baby’s birth was a healing birth. And the healing continues still, one year postpartum. His coming here opened doors for me, and they seem to keep opening: I am closer to myself, closer to Spirit, closer to each star of our family constellation, ever closer to that amazing state of vision + reality merging. To know what it is to fully show up to birth, with every part of me, with sexuality intact and ripe for orgasmic contractions, with sacred movement keeping me embodied while simultaneously traveling deeper into the spirit realm that birth cracks us open into, with music as I desired, with my partner loving me through — I am forever grateful. I am honored, and still glowing from this birth, from this breath of Life.
And I am amazed at how this peak birth experience paved the way for more pleasure in all ways. Enhanced intimacy everywhere in my life. More authenticity, integrity, ecstasy, and embodiment. It blows me away to have a BIRTH that inspired juicier SEX. And just like the female orgasm, it keeps going…deeper, spiral-like, in undulating waves of increasing, blissful intensity…more trust, more openness, more sacred, more respectful…more healing and beautifully-shattering transformation.
This is the good stuff, this is what we are here for!