Ep. 85 - Lisa Strohdach's Journey to a Harmonious Breech Birth at Home

Join us as we welcome Lisa Strohdach, a mother, doula, pregnancy yoga instructor and orgasmic birth practitioner i.t.  who’s here to share the intimate details of her peaceful and empowering breech homebirth. From the symbolic preparation of drawing a mandala on her belly to the final moments of birthing her son into the world, Lisa takes us on a journey marked by deep connection to her body and unwavering trust in the birth process.

Today, we’ll unravel how Lisa found strength in moments of exhaustion, the beautiful dynamics of partner support, and the rush of emotions that followed her son’s birth. Experience the blend of New Zealand’s rich midwifery traditions, personal preparation, and the celebration of childbirth as a sacred event that Lisa weaved into her birthing plan.

In This Episode:

  • Setting up the birthing space
  • Calling midwife for assistance with no pressing need for additional support.
  • Her strategy for managing contractions with movement and focusing techniques.
  • Involvement of Lisa’s partner in preparing the birthing pool.
  • Use of hot towels and birthing pool for comfort.
  • Addressing specific needs during labor.
  • Discovery of the baby’s breech position and presence of meconium.
  • The decision of the whole birth team to not transfer to hospital and continue labor at home.
  • Role of the ambulance as a precaution.
  • Midwife’s guidance during the final stage of labor.
  • Use of an upright position for pushing.
  • Describing pregnancy as a magical time with a natural home birth plan.
  • Support from her husband and New Zealand’s midwifery tradition.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Lisa Strohdach’s breech homebirth was empowering and peaceful, supported by a strong tradition of midwifery in New Zealand.
  • She actively prepared for birth with yoga, self-pleasure, and educational resources, viewing the process as a sacred event.
  • Despite complications, Lisa trusted in her body’s natural ability to birth and chose to remain at home with professional midwife support.
  • Comfort measures and a personalized birth environment played crucial roles in creating a positive experience.
  • The narrative stresses the importance of tuning into one’s body and embracing joy during pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Lisa’s story reinforces the podcast’s message that birth can be a transformative and ecstatic journey with the right mindset and support system.
  • Engagement is encouraged, inviting listeners to participate in the conversation on the life-changing aspects of birth.

Key Quotes:

 “My pregnancy was not just about creating life but about celebrating it in every movement.” – Lisa Strohdach

“Through labor, I didn’t feel pain, I felt intensity. And there’s a distinction that changes how we experience childbirth.” – Lisa Strohdach

“The journey doesn’t end at birth; it’s where it begins. And to start with such empowerment sets the stage for parenting.” – Lisa Strohdach

Connect with Lisa!

Website: www.aroha-begleitung.com

Instagram: @aroha_begleitung


Prenatal Yoga Class: https://www.fyndery.de/bad_endorf/kurs/15289/gestaerkt-entspannt-und-mit-vertrauen-durch-deine-schwangerschaft-s/?ref=14497

Festival : Frauenrausch Festival


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