She Felt No Pain, Insider Magazine Features Orgasmic Birth recently interviewed Renée Rodríguez from our Orgasmic Birth Film. 

“Renée Rodríguez was eight months pregnant with her first son when she heard about the concept of an orgasmic birth. Rodríguez, who lives in Cancún, Mexico, said she’d never considered that birth could be a pleasant experience, let alone “orgasmic” — and though she didn’t know whether it would work for her, she wanted to try.

There is little scientific research on orgasms while giving birth. A 2013 study suggested that orgasms might occur about 0.3% of the time in vaginal births and that the experience was well known among midwives.

Debra Pascali-Bonaro, a childbirth educator, doula trainer, and director of the documentary “Orgasmic Birth,” told Insider that hospitals, where about 98% of births in the US happen, are not conducive to the intimacy and pleasure that reaching orgasm typically requires.

A pregnant person also has to be open to the experience, she said, adding that many people might not report their experience or may feel too much shame during birth to let themselves orgasm.”

Rodríguez had 2 'orgasmic' births said she felt no pain. Carlos Santoyo

Orgasmic Birth was created to tell a different kind of birth story…

One where women tune into themselves and trust their body’s natural ability to do what is needed to bring their baby into the world safely.

Joyous, sensuous and revolutionary, Orgasmic Birth brings the ultimate challenge to our cultural myths by inviting viewers to see the emotional, spiritual, and physical heights attainable through birth.

In this 85-minute award-winning film, you will:
  • Learn about the risks and dangers of the overuse of medical/cesarean births
  • Discover the benefits of a safe, sexy, orgasmic birth
  • Follow the stories of real couples as they experience giving birth naturally


It’s more than a film, it’s a movement.