Sylvia Blaustein Testimonial
“You are so clearly a gift to women, to the entire birthing community, and to everyone who is lucky enough to be touched by your grace and wisdom.” Sylvia Blaustein, CNM, Midwifery of Manhattan
“You are so clearly a gift to women, to the entire birthing community, and to everyone who is lucky enough to be touched by your grace and wisdom.” Sylvia Blaustein, CNM, Midwifery of Manhattan
“I feel more alive and joyful, and more clear on how to dissolve blocks to my own pleasure, heal emotional wounds around sexuality, and gift myself greater respect, beauty, and joy in place of these fading obstacles. This experience has … Continued
“Debra is a world visionary and able to bring about sweeping changes and benefits in maternity care and policies. She does it with a glowing inspiration for every participant and in many cultures, continents and among many points of view.” … Continued
“Debra is going to provide you with all the information you need to create a birth plan that will give you the intimate, controlled, safe birth experience you desire! She will teach you the latest evidence-based safe birth practices to … Continued
“Debra’s life work is to reframe today’s widespread belief that birth is frightening, dangerous and painful. In everything she says and does, Debra models the joy, pleasure and empowerment that is available in birth. Let her show you how to … Continued
“Debra calls on us to release the silence and shame around sex and passion so that we can live our most vibrant, pleasurable lives…and isn’t that exactly what we want to model for our children in the end?” – Molly … Continued
ORGASMIC BIRTH SOUNDTRACK The evocative score of was created by John McDowell, composer of the score for the Academy Award–winning documentary Born Into Brothels, with additional composition by Sabina Sciubba of the group Brazilian Girls. This music is ideal for … Continued