The hardest, proudest, most intense, beautiful, empowering, healing, soul connecting, incredible experience of my life! ~ birthing my son at home.
Never in a million years did I think I was capable of a home birth. There’s so much fear and anxiety drilled into woman about birthing our babies… we trust our bodies to grow them for 9 months but then it comes to birthing them and it’s a completely different story. After Rivi’s traumatic birth with so much forced & unnecessary intervention, I was determined to have my dream birth. Nine months of planning, learning & empowering myself to breathe correctly and trust my body and baby , and WE did it! It was truly the best thing I’ve ever done.
2.5 f*cking challenging, powerful and rewarding hours of active labour… I was so in tune with my body, I completely relaxed and let it take over and do what it was meant to do… one surge at a time, I was only in that moment right there and then. No past or future thoughts, just the power of ‘now’ .. One final push & he was out , born in the water, earthside.. finally! The moment my midwife said, ‘Danae you can pick up your baby’ 😭 I leant down, found him in the water and pulled him up to my chest for our eyes to meet for the very first time. That moment right there, there’s no real words to describe it.. but it really is pure ecstasy.. a moment in time I’ll cherish, be forever proud of & forever be in love with.. that feeling of love at first sight is just everything..
You didn’t make a sound , your eyes locked on mine, your soul so pure, so precious. My baby boy, thank you for trusting me and making your entrance into the world so beautifully perfect. Such a surreal feeling. Forever grateful to this incredible body of mine and my beautiful boy .. you’re pure magic 💫 + Thank you to my amazing hubby, Mum, midwife and doula, I felt so safe and supported every step of the way 💟
Ensure you are positively prepared for a safe, satisfying, and pleasurable birth and a loving, intimate relationship as a parent. From planning your unique birth experience to reconnecting with your sexuality after birth, our programs offer exactly what you need!
Our resources will empower you!
© Gwen Schroeder |Rebirth Photography
Be at the forefront of the new paradigm of birth as a sought-after doula, trained by one of the world’s most well-known leaders in pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Our courses offer continuing education credit, mentorship, and inspiration to expand your practice with tools and tips for Orgasmic Birth and parenting with pleasure.
You’ve come to the right place!
© Monet Nicole