In Part IV of our six-part video series with Dr. Sarah Buckley, we discuss birth induction – benefits, risks and more tips for closing the hormonal gaps.

Spontaneous labor is when labor begins on its own without any interventions – also called a physiological labor. What begins labor is one of the world’s great mysteries, but it is suggested that the baby begins labor when they are ready to be born. Hormones begin shifting and rising, and labor slowly ramps up. 

Induction of labor, just like cesarean birth and other interventions has increased over the years. It’s not uncommon to hear of inductions being scheduled at 39, 40 and 41 weeks gestation. 

Induction however, is not always successful, and it does carry some risks. Just like cesarean, induction can be necessary, and life-saving, but should be used with caution and only when indicated. Dr. Buckley shares more about the benefits and risks, and ways to close the hormonal gaps created when induction is needed.  

Find out more about Dr. Sarah Buckley’s perspectives on gentle cesarean births.

Watch below to learn more

Navigating Induction with Dr. Buckley

About Dr. Buckley

Dr. Sarah Buckley in Bali during the filming of Your Hormones of Childbirth Film Series

Sarah Buckley is a New-Zealand-trained GP/family physician with qualifications in GP-obstetrics and family planning. She is the mother of four home-born children, and currently combines motherhood with her work as a writer on pregnancy, birth, and parenting.

She is also a PhD candidate at the University of Queensland,, where her research is focused on oxytocin and the autonomic nervous system in labour and birth, and the impacts of interventions.

Dr Buckley’s work critiques current practices in pregnancy, birth, and parenting from the widest possible perspectives, including scientific, anthropological, cross-cultural, psychological, and personal. She encourages us to be fully informed in our decision-making; to listen to our hearts and our intuition; and to claim our rightful role as the real experts in our bodies and our children.

Her bestselling book Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering: A Doctor’s Guide to Natural Childbirth and Gentle Early Parenting Choices, published by Celestial Arts/PenguinRandomHouse (US, 2009), builds on her acclaimed first edition, published in Australia as Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering: The Wisdom and Science of Gentle Choices in Pregnancy, Birth, and Parenting (One Moon Press, Brisbane, 2005, available as ebook here ).

Dr Buckley has an ongoing interest in the hormones of labour and birth, and this has culminated in her groundbreaking report Hormonal Physiology of Childbearing (2015 Childbirth Connection, a program of the National Partnership for Women and Families). This report, available for free online,  has been described as “…one of the most revolutionary and influential publications on maternity and newborn care ever issued.”

Learn more about Dr. Buckley –