Debra on HayHouseRadio with Dr. Christiane Northrup Wed. 4/11/12

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Debra on HayHouseRadio with Dr. Christiane Northrup Wed. 4/11/12

Mark your calendars and tune in online to hear Dr. Christiane Northrup & Debra Pascali Bonaro talk about pleasure and all that is possible in birth and beyond on the Flourish! radio program on HayHouse Radio next Wednesday April 11th 11am EST 

with Dr. Christiane Northrup on
Wednesdays at 8am–9am Pacific, 9am–10am Mountain, 10am–11am Central, and 11am–12pm Eastern
April 11 Orgasmic Birth: The Best Kept Secret: The mainstream media depiction of birth as the ultimate in suffering and pain has adversely influenced generations of women who now believe that their bodies are not capable of having a baby without epidurals or other pain relief. But what if it were possible to give birth pleasurably, erotically? What if giving birth were the biggest high possible in life? Join me and Debra Pascali-Bonaro for an eye-opening and fun discussion of what is possible during birth (despite everything you’ve been taught).



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