I love looking at birth art from around the world and through the ages. There are always images of laboring women upright, moving, walking, and swaying.  When you think of childbirth do you think of Dancing during labor? 

I am joined by my friend and the visionary founder of Dancing For Birth™ Stephanie Larson for a blissful conversation about movement in birth. Stephanie is a leading world expert on supporting birth through movement and instinct. Enjoy Stephanie’s personal experience of dancing through her labors and how this inspired her to create Dancing For Birth™ Stephanie Larson, the visionary founder of Dancing For Birth™, and renowned birth expert joins us to discuss movement and dance in birth. Her revolutionary childbirth method has helped countless women and birthing individuals achieve blissful and effortless births. Birth professionals can attend the Dancing For Birth™ Professional Training to learn and utilize this proven method. Parents worldwide can also benefit from the powerful combination of fitness, childbirth education, and celebration offered in Dancing For Birth™ prenatal/postpartum classes taught across six continents. Join Stephanie in empowering your body and birth experience through movement and instinct.

In this episode:

  • Stephanie Larson is the visionary founder of Dancing For Birth™, a revolutionary childbirth method that promotes blissful birth through movement and instinct
  • Stephanie’s personal experience of dancing through labor inspired her to create Dancing For Birth™ and help women give birth with ease and pleasure
  • The importance of following your body’s sensations during labor and how movement can help with childbirth pain relief and promote a positive birth experience
  • The euphoric potential of birth and the role of movement and dancing in releasing happy hormones like oxytocin and endorphins
  • Using dance as a tool to connect with and love your body during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum, and celebrating the body’s capabilities

Key takeaways

  • Childbirth is natural and can benefit from movement and dance
  • Caregiver approach can impact the birth experience and outcomes
  • Empowerment can come from trusting one’s body, intuition, and making personal choices
  • The sensations of labor can help honor the body’s needs and provide space and positioning for birth.
  • Dancing during labor releases endorphins and oxytocin, creating a positive birth experience.
  • Pregnancy, birth, and postpartum are ideal times to connect with and love your body by celebrating it


Connect with Stephanie:

Website: https://www.dancingforbirth.com



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Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dancingforbirth 

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephanie-larson-3139769/

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