“Orgasmic Birth” book available June 8!
If you loved the Orgasmic Birth movie, then you won’t want to miss the Orgasmic Birth book. Acclaimed Orgasmic Birth filmmaker Debra Pascali-Bonaro has joined forces with renowned author and activist Elizabeth Davis to support women in attaining the most empowering and satisfying birth experience possible.
Yes, the Orgasmic Birth book provides information on how to prepare for birth in a way that will increase your chances of having a literally ecstatic labor and delivery experience. However, it’s about more than this: Pascali-Bonaro and Davis believe that “orgasmic birth” applies to any mother who is able to take control of her body during childbirth and has an empowering and joyful experience.
Among the topics Pascali-Bonaro and Davis can discuss are:
• Is pleasure in birth really possible? What about the pain?
• What mother and fathers to be can do to prepare to have a pleasurable birth
• The doula’s role
• The techniques women find help them to find comfort in labor and in birth
• How orgasmic birth can help to minimize the chances of postpartum depression
• The essentials of childbirth preparation
The book provides all the necessary tools and resources women need to prepare emotionally, physically, and intellectually for birth, and offers guidance about choosing a location and provider for birth. Featuring amazing stories from mothers and their partners and filled with practical advice and solutions, this one-of-a-kind resource is the next frontier of empowered, intimate childbirth.
“Despite hundreds of years of negative programming, labor and birth can be a soul-stirring experience! Let Orgasmic Birth be your inspiration to claim a pleasurable, empowering birth.” –Christiane Northrup, MD, author of Womens Bodies, Womens Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause
“The male-dominated medical system conspires to keep normal birth a secret by controlling it in a hospital setting. This book helps women to storm the fortress to snatch back their right to birth unhindered. In considerable detail it tells how a woman can experience birth as empowering and transformative—as part of personal growth and social evolution. Every pregnant woman should read and cherish this book.” –Marsden Wagner, MD
Orgasmic Birth: Your Guide to a Safe, Satisfying, and Pleasurable Birth Experience is available wherever books are sold, including Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, Borders, and Indiebound. For an advance interview with Pascali-Bonaro and Davis, visit http://thestir.cafemom.com/pregnancy/103576/6_Orgasmic_Birth_Myths.
To purchase copies of Orgasmic Birth in bulk please contact Anna Kotopoulos at 646-307-5442 or anna.kotopoulos@macmillan.com.
If you’re interested in hosting Debra or Elizabeth for a book signing please contact Aly Mostel at Rodale at Aly.mostel@rodale.com or