Guest post
While everyone always congratulates the soon-to-be mother, a celebration may be the last thing on your mind when you find out you’ll soon be bringing a new life into the world. From endless doctor’s appointments and constant cramps to wild mood swings & a bloated belly, you definitely have a lot of obstacles ahead that you’ll need to overcome. Fortunately, you don’t have to do it alone: you’ll have a partner with you to make life easier, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it will all be sunshine and roses! Pregnancy can take a big toll on your relationship, but if managed correctly, you’ll come out on the other side as a stronger couple. Seems impossible? It’s not—here’s how to do it!
Start Planning Now
Moving in together will seem like such a simple task compared to all the things you’ll now have to consider! Beyond setting up space for your new child, you’ll also need to buy car seats, diapers, binkies, outfits, and all the other basics you want your baby to have when they come home for the first time. This can be a lot to process if you try to take it all on at once, so instead, start by making a complete list of everything you’ll need. From here, break the list down into different sections and tackle them one by one. This will give you plenty of time to get everything scheduled and prepared in advance. Plus, if you and your partner disagree on anything, you can talk it over and come to an agreement without feeling rushed at the last moment.
Get Your Budget in Order
Unfortunately, raising a child is expensive (and the cost just seems to keep going up throughout the years!). If you haven’t already talked about your financial situation with your partner, now is the time to do so. Between the doctor’s bills and your new baby items, you’ll definitely end up spending a pretty penny within the next nine months and beyond. While some couples are financially equipped to deal with this, most will need to budget ahead to make sure everything can be paid for as needed. This might mean your partner will need to pick up extra shifts at work, which can be disappointing if they can’t go to a doctor’s appointment with you, but it’s important to try and look at the big picture. Both parties need to contribute towards the new life they’ve created, so although it may be uncomfortable to go to an appointment alone, it’s surely worth financial stability in the long run!
Make Some Time
Sometimes, you’ll want to spend time with your partner. Other times… not so much! There’s no real way to predict which way your mood will swing on any given day, which makes it all the more important to enjoy the little moments you can share together. Getting intimate is great if possible, but often, your body just won’t feel up to the task. Furthermore, many women don’t want to start having sex after giving birth right away, which is why communicating about sex with your partner is so vital at this point in your relationship. Having a baby doesn’t mean that these moments are off the table though: you may simply need to change your approach! Take the time to explore toys for couples and find something that will work for both of you.
Take Things One Day at a Time
Being pregnant is a stressful experience, but the struggles won’t stop once your little beauty is born. There are likely many sleepless nights in your future, which for obvious reasons can make it easy to lash out at your partner. Of course, eventually, your new child will be able to sleep soundly throughout an entire night, but in the meantime, you need to take things one day at a time. Rather than trying to do everything on your own (or expecting your partner to do the majority of it), try to find a happy medium where you can both contribute without either party getting completely worn out. Things change over time, so keep coming back to these conversations and adjust as needed. Communication is the key to a healthy relationship, but it’s also crucial when it comes to parenting. Remember, you’re a team that’s in it for the long haul, so don’t worry about things that haven’t happened yet. Live in the moment, address any concerns, celebrate your successes, and take things one day at a time!
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