Baby 6

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Some years after our 5th daughter was born I felt this strong longing for another baby. It was more like a calling. My rational mind told me I was crazy wanting another one after 5 babies especially that I feel my life is full of interesting work, projects, travels, fulfilling life with my partner, and good time with our daughters.

So, I thought that with time this idea would just fade away. But it didn’t – actually, it got stronger and stronger. This idea was already there when I woke up in the morning and kept popping up in all kinds of suitable and unsuitable moments during my day. So, finally I told my husband who looked at my quite bewildered because originally, he only had wanted two children. After some weeks of talking, reflecting and working things out we “called another soul” under the night sky full of shooting stars and eventually I was pregnant.

In the 13th week I found out that this pregnancy hadn’t developed since the 5th week. But I had the sensation that the soul still was around and stayed there. Although some day I started to bleed I was still soul pregnant until that soul pregnancy has transformed in a physical pregnancy now.

So, I’m really enjoying this prolonged pregnancy of one year and nine months or so. I feel healthy, blessed and full of energy and I can see no difference to my first pregnancy 21 years ago – actually, this time I don’t have any back-ache.

Read Part 1 of Jaqueline’s blog here.

Jaqueline Eddaoudi, is born of an Italian father, Austrian mother, and her husband is Moroccan – together they have 5 daughters. Jaqueline lives in Austria and is a freelance interpreter for German, English, Italian, Arabic, French, Spanish and soon Turkish. Due to her experiences with different languages and cultures she is now working as counselor and speaker for schools, hospitals, and companies and has published her first book about the Muslim World in schools last year. She is now writing her second birth about the Muslim World in hospitals   – learn more:

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