home birth story

Silas’s Birth Story

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home birth story Enjoy this home birth story / natural delivery story submitted by Heather Iverson

July 26, 2016 8pm surges start…I’m thinking it’s more prodromal labor that I had been having foe a few weeks off and on. So Kayden (my 5 year old daughter) and I go for a walk with Ry, Rachel and Julia (my brother, his wife, and their 2 year old daughter who we were living with) .  The surges kept coming, with the prodromal labor usually either a walk or bath would get the contractions to stop.  So next I took a bath where Kayden and Chief (our dog) watched over and took care of me, the contractions still were coming.  I let my doula and friend Kenzie know what was g

oing on, and she decided to come (she lives 4hrs away) even though we weren’t positive it was actual labor…the signs were good at least, because walks and baths usually would stop contractions. 11:40pm Lee (husband) gets home from work.  We go on a walk at 12:30am, contractions still came.  Got 45 min of rest at 1:30am.  Kenzie got here at 3:30am.  4:00am I started losing my plug and leaking fluid.  9:00am we call the midwife over for our home birth.

I hugged the birth ball and was leaking fluid, Kayden was rubbing my back.  My midwife had me sit on the toilet a while and that really helped keep contractions coming.  Lee was right by my side being amazing support!  Around noon (I think) i moved to the birth pool and was in transition.  Kayden got into the pool with me and poured water over my belly through contractions, she was like my little doula.  It was difficult getting my breathing down, things were pretty intense!  Lee again was amazing, he was so encouraging, supportive and uplifting! 

I can remember him during surges telling me that this wont last forever and that I can do it. 

home birth story

The rest of my birth team was awesome too!  The perfect balance of hands on yet hands off.  When it came to where he was coming I was able to reach down and feel his head, that was so incredible!  I pushed 3-4 times and out he came at 1:04pm on July 27, 2016. The crowning wasn’t nearly as difficult as i imagined, the contractions before it were the most uncomfortable part but thanks to Lee and everybody encouraging me I  got through.  When he came out the cord was around his neck so Laura (my midwife) slipped that off and he came right to my chest 💗.  Lee checked the gender (we were team green) and we were so happy to welcome our little boy into our family, many happy cries took place since we went through 3 years of secondary infertility before conceiving him!  Kayden was right there for all of it and she did incredible!  She was so smitten with him right off the bat!  I had no tearing (i started having my husband do perineal massage at 32 weeks, daily for 20min a day using almond oil). 

Everything went so smoothly, could not have asked for a better experience! 

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