Gypsy’s Intervention-Free Childbirth in Australia

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Submitted by Gypsy Whitford, Australia

My Pregnancy and birth story… I knew that this was going to be a totally different pregnancy and birth experience- my first two were extremely medical and there were no midwives involved and they were FULL of intervention and a stay in the baby care unit for both. My thireceived_10205009566617282.jpegrd I found a doula and questioned everything every doctor had to say and had a great birth then I got to my fourth bub and decided to skip all doctor appointments and tests, except the 20 week scan, and only had the first midwife appointment from 32 weeks. I felt in control of everything and every decision.

Labor began at about 4 or 5 in the morning I started to get cramps but didn’t really think much of it, so stayed asleep, then when my alarm went off to get the kids up and ready for school it was all intense, so I went and had a shower and the contractions went to 2 min apart. I went into the spare room and told my friend (that was staying) to help with the kids and that we are most definitely having a baby today. She sprang into action, got the kids ready and off to school then called my doula and midwife, and my sister (to pick up my little girls)… Then we were on the way to the hospital.

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By 11am the contractions changed to about 7 minutes apart- I’m thinking because we were going to the one place I didn’t want to be (the hospital). I then never had a regular contraction the rest of the time. From then on I was in and out of the bath, shower, had a sleep between it all, then finally agreed to have a vaginal exam, but didn’t want to know how far I was. Then 2 hours later I was in the shower again and the midwife was saying I think it’s time she went away and came back. By then I was asking for (nitrous oxide) gas and asked how far I was now- because when the midwife did a vaginal exam before I was 5cm.

I made my way to the edge of the bed* and started pushing. My water broke then and in the next few pushes bub came into the hands of my friend and was passed to me at 4:57pm Baby Devic Frost 3.930kl 54 cm hc 35.5cm then 45 minutes later the placenta- my friend cut the cord after the placenta was delivered.

About 3 to 4 hours later I was home. With the support of my doula and friend it really was the perfect intervention free birth and I’m happy to say I didn’t once have to look at a doctor or have a drip or be told I need to do something and with my ever growing knowledge of birth was confident enough to make my own health decisions.

*My story may be missing parts and times may be out because I was in the zone lol. Birth 3.930kl 54 cm hc 35.5cm 8day 3.780kl 60 cm hc 38 cm.

IMG_4832051511444Gypsy Thanks Kim Williams for her doula lov.

Gypsy’s tips: Mostly breathing but my doula was doing all the work with oils and a singing bowl to keep me in the zone.

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Baby Devic is doing so well (pictured here) at almost 6 weeks.

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