48 Hour Home Birth Story

By @bornathome5 This is the story of my fifth homebirth. With four successful homebirths under my belt and a strong belief in the birth process and my body’s ability, my partner and I decided to try for an unassisted birth. … Continued

Tips for making birth safer

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“Fears are educated into us, and can, if we wish, be educated out. –Karl Augustus Menninger” YES. I really believe this – I believe that fear is mostly created by the unknown. I believe that by educating and empowering yourself, … Continued

Ina May on Fear & Pain in Childbirth

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[Tweet “Instead of crying, yelling or cursing when you stubbed your toe – what if you instead KISSED it? What would happen? @InaMayGaskin”] My dear friend, colleague, and inspirational wise-woman, Ina May Gaskin recently joined me in New Jersey at … Continued

Gypsy’s Intervention-Free Childbirth in Australia

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Submitted by Gypsy Whitford, Australia My Pregnancy and birth story… I knew that this was going to be a totally different pregnancy and birth experience- my first two were extremely medical and there were no midwives involved and they were … Continued

Media and Childbirth: Inducing Fear?

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Do you watch birth on television? A study by Theresa Morris PhD and Katherine McInerney MA concluded, “Reality-based birth television programs do not give women an accurate portrayal of how women typically experience birth in the United States, nor are … Continued

Speedy First Birth, Steady Second Birth: Michelle’s Stories

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Submitted by Michelle, New York State Michelle’s First Birth… I was prepared for the worst… hoping for the best… and expected the average. The labor I got, was remarkable. My husband and I expected the average 16 hour first birth. … Continued

7 Insights from Women who Experienced Orgasmic Birth

I believe this year is a turning point in understanding the power, pleasure and ecstasy that is available in childbirth for both MotherBaby. Dr. Sarah Buckley has published her landmark report on the hormones of childbirth, the ways they are … Continued