4 Ways to Help MotherBabies this Mother’s Day

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May is a month full of celebrations and honoring our Mothers, Midwives, Doulas and more! It was wonderful to start off the month as ‘Princess Kate’ (Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge) shared with the world her confidence in waiting for labor to begin on its own, attended by midwives, for the gentle (I wonder if in private she would also use words like blissful and orgasmic?) birth of her daughter, Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte of Cambridge. Looking radiant, only hours after birth, she walked out to introduce her daughter to the world. As she celebrated her Royal midwives, I hope you too are celebrating your midwife and doula this month. Share your comments and stories with us so we can birth them forward- we would love to feature your birth stories and honor your midwife and/or doula. Learn how New York City is supporting every MotherBaby’s right to a more peaceful gentle birth with community doulas by reading my blog this week, Healthy Women, Healthy Futures: Harlem Community Doula Program.

Power, pleasure, bliss and orgasmic joy in childbirth are some of the inspirations I shared while at Golden Bridge Prenatal teacher training with Gurmukh and Sarah Kamrath’s class of 40+ students from around the world. After viewing Sarah’s film Happy Healthy Child, that I highly recommend (and am proud affiliate of) to all pregnant women and partners, the class was ready for a lively discussion about how we can take back our power in birth and change our perceptions from those of pain to those of pleasure. Prenatal yoga is a wonderful way to prepare body, mind and spirit for birth, and for becoming a mother. Being a part of this extra special training always fills me with gratitude to see woman’s wisdom passed along and shared in this way.

In anticipation of a great ending to a powerful week, Sunday we will celebrate our mothers- ourselves as mothers and the mothers of the world. Happy Mother’s Day! I hope Sunday will be a day for you to honor yourself, to consider your mother as well as the joys, challenges and ways that your mother touched your life. Please take a moment to send your love and light to all the mothers who are struggling around the world. My heart goes out to the many women in need who are giving birth and caring for their babies in the wake of the tremendous earthquake in Nepal. My dear friend, midwife and co-teacher at our Eat Pray Doula workshop in Bali, Ibu Robin Lim, is on her way to Nepal as you are reading this. Please send her and all who she will touch your love, light and prayers.

In honor of Mother’s Day I hope you will  join me in supporting Mothers of the world. Here are my top organizations to give to this Mother’s Day and all year long to support MotherBabys. Please consider a gift to them in honor or your mother. 

  • The International MotherBaby Childbirth Initiative which Robin Lim’s birth centers are part of and even in a disaster she uses the 10 steps of the IMBCI to provide the love, respect and quality care that every MotherBaby Deserves. You may not know this about me but I am an Italian Jersey girl and besides loving the Boss I do enjoy meatballs and am excited to have the NJ based company, The Flying Meatballs, donate a percentage of proceeds from May 10-17 to IMBCI. Please donate today to IMBCI.


  • IMG BumiSehatIbu Robin Lim of Bumi Sehat Foundation will be traveling to Nepal to help the earthquake relief with One Heart Worldwide. Robin writes “2 of their clinics have been utterly destroyed. Two more are difficult to reach. I am packing the solar lights, water filters, food bars, medical supplies…” Please consider donating to Bumi Sehat Foundation to support Ibu Robin’s work.


  • Every Mother Counts has provided an emergency grant to One Heart Worldwide’s efforts in Nepal where “At least 126,000 pregnant women are among the survivors of last week’s earthquake in Nepal and with health systems shut off, as many as 2 million girls and women of reproductive age can’t access healthcare.” Both organizations are providing supplies and care to the MotherBaby and families of Nepal. Consider supporting Every Mother Counts grant to One Heart Worldwide.


  • The Community Doulas of NYC are in need of books, and doula supplies. If you have any doula tips, trick or supplies, please send them to The Northern Manhattan Perinatal Partnership, C/O  Fajah Ferrer, 127 West 127th Street, Third Floor, New York, New York 10027. Read this week’s blog Healthy Women, Healthy Futures: Harlem Community Doula Program Northern Manhattan Perinatal Partnership in Harlem, NYC. Creating a village of support for MotherBaby and families in New York City. Read more

Happy Mother’s Day and please know my gratitude as we all work to help mother all the mothers of the world via our donations and contributions.

In love and gratitude,

Debra Pascali-Bonaro

Join me at the Empowered Mother’s Guide to a Happy, Healthy, Holistic Birthing Experience (free virtual summit taking place this week)

  1. Anna

    Thank you Debra for your thoughtful words. Yes, I was jumping for joy inside, about the calm ‘normal’ response
    Katherine has shown towards birth. Yay! And I appreciate your highlighting the need for support in Nepal. Really excited your course has launched and is blasting off. Go you!

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