“The widespread use of synOT in managed labor warrants caution, as the influence of synOT on a new mother’s well-being is evident at 2 months postpartum.”
Intrapartum Synthetic Oxytocin and Its Effects on Maternal Well-Being at 2 Months Postpartum.
As I read this study I found myself saying “It’s not nice to mess around with women’s hormones!” Yet, we don’t talk about how induction and augmentation of labor with Pitocin (artificial form of the hormone oxytocin) can carry many risks and that we have NO long term studies to show whether it’s safe for MotherBaby.

- Kissing
- Touching
- Eye contact
- Nipple stimulation
- Masturbation
- Vibrators – Yes clitoral stimulation will take you from oh no to Yes Yes Yes!
Oxytocin in its natural form, produced by our bodies, is a pain reliever – while synthetic oxytocin (pitocin) actually will add to your pain – what would you prefer?
So, please think twice before using the artificial hormone pitocin as a recent study showed that it can have effects up to 2 months postpartum, and this may just be the tip of the iceberg. Be informed about the risks and benefits, consider the other options, and learn ways to support mother nature’s blissful orgasmic design for childbirth through education, reading birth stories, and preparing to Birth with Love.
If you are looking for more tips to support your natural LOVE hormone, I hope you’ll join me for my free challenge this month, Birth with Love. For 28 Days, you’ll receive daily emails with suggestions for opening your heart, access to a private facebook group, and many tips and ideas from other mothers on ways to Positively Prepare for Birth. Join here and share with your friends!
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