by Blair Posmick
We’d like to welcome Blair, our guest blogger for the next 24 or so weeks as she prepares to meet her baby. She starts her story with election day – a different kind of day for her than most of us this November!
Election Day Morning, while many entered a booth to cast a vote they waited for all year, I myself was about to cast a vote of a different kind that I waited for all year. Every month I entered my “booth” hoping my ballot would show up Positive but my campaign trail had to continue…until election day! I went into that booth confident that again it wasn’t going to be my month but then…
I headed to work but not before a quick stop as CVS because obviously the test at home was wrong. I walked into my boss’s office (who also happens to be my close friend), slammed the door, showed a picture of what happened earlier. She looked and said “What am I looking at?”. My response “Apparently I’m pregnant” and then I proceeded to dump all of the fresh boxes of tests on her desk. As we not so calmly walked down to a private bathroom where I now had a witness to my monthly voting, we decided it was best to double down.
1 line test AND a digital! 1 minute… 2 minutes… the digital test was almost done… 3 minutes… blink… blink… PREGNANT! This couldn’t be… 3 tests all positive?
I waited for the wave of emotions to take over but I’m just in shock. Luckily my boss handled the emotions for me as she started to scream, jump, and cry with joy! How are you going to tell your husband?
Finally work ended, and I ran to the store and bought 15 pink and 15 blue balloons and a card. I wrote down all my emotions of the last year of trying to get pregnant and how we finally did it! I put the balloons in the room we have designated as the nursery, went to the bathroom to take test number 4 (POSITIVE AGAIN), and then waited in the nursery.

Picture: 4 tests, 30 balloons, a pregnant wife
Yet my husband walks in with the same disbelief! “No… No… You’re kidding” “Test 1 2 3 or 4” I told him. He wanted a number 5! So there I sat casting another ballot with the same amazing result!
With excitement to tell our family with packed boxes with balloons for the big reveal and shared the joy with our parents and siblings. As everyone expressed their joy, my shock still continued and I tested daily just to keep confirming that this was really true. I’m lucky that my mom is an ultrasound technician because I got to see my baby and hear a real heartbeat earlier than most women. Once I heard that heartbeat I knew this miracle was truly happening and I never felt more connected to a sound in my life!
And now, here I am 16 weeks pregnant and excited to share my journey with you!
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