The OBirth Community originally met Piper and Chaz in the Orgasmic Birth film and have been following them ever since, most recently as part of the en*theos Obirth Conference (their interview is now part of Pain to Power). Now we are honored to share visual and written descriptions from their home water birth in Hawaii. This photo essay presents part 2 of 3 including: Preparing in Early Labor, Birth, and Postpartum. Thank you Piper and Chaz!

CHAZ: Late in the pregnancy I dreamt that I should remind Piper to breathe through some surges before pushing.
PIPER: Pregnancy dreams are so powerful! I dreamt that Chaz would face his long held concerns about a wrapped cord, but in my dream there was no danger. My sister Jaymie shared with us that she’d dreamt of arriving in perfect time, despite the challenges of traffic and other obligations. Her sharing solidified our decision to include her, as it seemed baby had chosen to communicate with her already. As it turns out, all of our dreams came to fruition.
CHAZ: At this point baby is crowning and I’m suggesting to Piper to breathe through a few surges to allow her perineum to stretch. Total dream dejavu.
CHAZ: I noticed he was completely wrapped in the cord…. Jaymie helped me to roll him a few times to untangle him.
PIPER: Though I know he’d worried about this possibility ever since our preparations for our first UC, he was so mellow about it when it actually occurred.
The children were all so excited! Doula Plum checks in with Mombaby…
Join us next week for Piper and Chaz’s postpartum babymoon with Baby Tide!
Visit Piper and Chaz at Lovemore Lamaze! Piper LoveMore is a birthworker on a mission. Her goal: to empower families around the globe to navigate their birth experiences with confidence and pleasure. To that end she has pursued certification as a Lamaze educator, a doula, and a midwife, spending countless hours in service to the parturient population. Chaz LoveMore is an audio engineer by trade, and a birth educator by necessity. “I realized that most dads had no idea what I was talking about, most of them were terrified, and I felt like that was unacceptable.” Having been transformed by his first birth experience, he sought to encourage other partners to discover the power of their presence in the birth space, by speaking directly to their unique concerns. Together with Piper, he has worked to craft a unique childbirth education experience that both prepares and inspires expectant parents. Piper and Chaz have enjoyed four freebirths since their Orgasmic Birth delivery. They now live, love and explore in Hawaii with their five, free-learning children.
This is one of the most beautiful moments between a mom and dad I’ve seen thus far. The love and unity I sensed as I watched the birth was so heart warming. A true connection and real love is all I felt. Congrats and may your family be blessed with much Peace, Love, and Joy all the days of your lives. Blessings Chaz and Piper!!!