A little social media love…
I’m so excited to be working with Debra — my name is Kathy Lopez, and I’m going to be helping the Orgasmic Birth team with some wild-n-crazy social media action. I’m looking forward to putting Orgasmic Birth in front of people who might not ordinarily find it, as well as facilitating deeper interaction between Debra and those of you out there who already follow her work. If you’re reading this when it’s published, then I’m preaching to the choir – you’re already well aware of what a busy person she is, teaching courses all over the world, often in places unreachable by mobile or internet technology. Before she has a chance to put it all down to share it with us, she’s off to another corner of the world. Facebook, Twitter, and other online platforms can be really time-consuming, but they’re such a great way to interact, and our hope is that by manging those platforms independently we’ll be able to harness a bit of Debra’s tremendous energy and put it to good use answering questions and facilitating discussions for those of us here at home – or at least online!
I had the good fortune of taking a DONA labor doula training course with Debra several years ago, and she is every bit as dynamic and thought-provoking as you’ve seen her be on film. Some of the things we’re hoping to accomplish are:
- Sharing of birth stories
- Book club discussions
- Giveaways
- Webinars or Conference calls with Debra
- Guest bloggers here at Orgasmic Birth
Some of these will be starting soon. If you don’t already, please check out Orgasmic Birth on Facebook here, or follow us on Twitter here.
In the meantime, I’ll let you know a bit about me: I live in suburban Philadelphia and have four children, aged 9, 7, 7, and 3. My oldest was born in a freestanding birth center in New Jersey, and the youngest in a hospital with a solo practice midwife. Both births were intervention-free, but I got to see the other end of the pregnancy and birth spectrum with my identical twins. They suffered from Twin to Twin Transfusion and were born at 34 weeks after our “donor” twin stopped growing. Thankfully, both girls are alive and healthy, and they are a best-case outcome for TTTS. It was after their birth that I became interested in infant massage, and since then have worked as a prenatal massage therapist and reflexologist and have studied to be a childbirth educator and doula. My greatest love, though, lies in breastfeeding and maternal health advocacy,and I’m working towards long-term goals in both of those areas.
I’m looking forward to working with you!