Ecstatic, Blissful, Orgasmic Birth You Tube Video Contest
Photo courtesy Judith Halek
I spent a wonderful day this week in Woodstock, NY. It was a beautiful drive through the Catskills, with the remainder of the big winter storm still visible with snow covering the ground. With blue skies, the sunshine glistened on the rolling hills as I listened to the music of Linda Worster and reflected on the many blessings in my life. Just one month before I became a grandmother. I had the great honor of being with my son and daughter-in-law for their long labor and birth of my grandson – Photis, The wise and gentle midwifery care of Lonnie Morris and Donna Tabas and the doula and photography support of Judith Halek nurtured us all and provided the care that was needed to transform a long, challenging and difficult labor into ecstasy as my son, with Lonnie’s gentle guidance caught his son, as we all welcomed him to the world and into our hearts.
As the town of Woodstock came into sight, my mind was filled with the many places our documentary has traveled since it’s release, Hungary, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, United Arab Emirates, Holland, England, Scotland, Denmark, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Switzerland, France, Poland, Israel, Mexico, Chili, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Trinidad, U.S and more than I can name here…. I felt the warm embrace of the many people who were touched by our film, the families who shared their intimate moments and the many messages the experts and other’s share. As I rode down the windy roads I was filled with gratitude. It is a very special time as I embrace the changes in my life, a right of passage that allows me to reflect on where I have come from and to look at the road ahead. I look forward to continuing to travel with you and welcome your reflections on how Orgasmic Birth, has touched your life or your thoughts. We are launching a video contest, details will be available soon. We hope you will create and submit a short 2 – 3 minute YouTube video to share how Orgasmic Birth has touched your life, your community, your organization, and/or your country. Visit our new Orgasmic Birth YouTube channel to rate our trailer, leave your comment and please upload clips of your ecstatic, blissful, sacred and/or orgasmic birth experience or story. Please join our newsletter and our Orgasmic Birth: The Best-Kept Secret Facebook Fan page to receive details on how to enter our new contest.
I look forward to hearing your stories, as sharing stories is a powerful way to share wisdom and knowledge and transform our culture of birth.
With gratitude,