Ep. 107 - Dealing With the Unexpected in Birth (And How NOT to Give Birth in a Car!)

with Tamara Walker

We don't get to choose our labor; we get to choose how we respond.”
Tamara Walker
Episode 107, orgasmic birth the podcast

Welcome to episode 107!

While birth plans aim to prepare us for what’s to come, the reality is that labor does not always go according to plan. Tamara Walker’s story is a powerful example of just how quickly things can change. With her first birth, she felt in control as labor progressed gradually over many hours. However, her second showed her how unpredictable it can be.

Tamara is a childbirth educator and doula. With over 30 years of experience in nursing and birth work, she is passionate about empowering birthing people through education. Tamara teaches childbirth classes through Birth Boot Camp and offers doula services to help clients achieve their desired birth experiences.

Listen in as Tamara talks about the stark differences she observed between a hospital birth and one at a birthing center as well as insights from her own labors— one a long but gradual process, and the other taking an unexpected turn requiring intervention on the side of a highway.

Debra and Tamara also discuss how the unexpected can occur in labor and the importance of listening to your body’s cues, the importance of open communication and emotional support, the role of education and trust in creating positive birth experiences, the need to choose the right birth support team, and the importance of processing emotions after birth even when the outcome was positive.

Episode Highlights:

03:30 The Importance of Preparation  

09:09 Powerful Birth Stories

14:52 Navigating Unexpected Birth Experiences

20:40 Birthing in a Car!

25:13 Preparation for a Positive Birth Experience 

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