“The body is not able to handle pain and pleasure at once.”
While in Belgium for the 2013 Midwifery Today Conference, O Birth Director Debra Pascali-Bonaro, and Robbie Davis-Floyd Ph.D. met with Marta, a woman who prepared and experienced orgasmic birth after surviving challenges and tragedy of past births.
Debra of O Birth asked Marta to share about how the Orgasmic Birth Book and Movie helped her move from the challenges and tragedy of past births to Ecstatic Birth Experience. Here is some of what Marta shared about her experience and preparations:
Marta also wrote, “I educated myself a lot during my pregnancy and the book “Orgasmic Birth” put the puzzle THE BEST BIRTH EVER together. My target was to make-up a plan and do everything possible to achieve it. The Orgasmic Birth Guide reads like fairytale underlined with amazing, never-heard-before facts. No pain during childbirth? Pleasure? Orgasm? One cannot believe it until you experience it. The book unconsciously changed my belief system and expectations. It made the final click in my prenatal education and I started to make the plan including: having sex before delivery, having massage and candle light bath with aromatherapy to achieve the best comfort, to have it mega orgasmic. The reading of the book is so fascinating, that after reading, you actually expect orgasm during delivery. Indeed, I felt huge sensation – I felt my baby slide down the birth channel and was one with universe. Without medical help, without any invasive methods. It was a moment of truth and moment of pleasure. Amazing what a woman is capable. I am still fascinated to this day and would give undisturbed birth anytime again. Personally, I put big focus on the word undisturbed. I would be not able to have orgasm in a front of my gynecologist and unknown medical staff watching. Instead of help of medical staff and their often invasive speed up tools and not comfortable clinical rooms, we had sex at home, massage and candle light bath before delivery to increase the oxytocin levels which triggers orgasm, love and birth. Also know, even 3 months after delivery, my body still reacts very sensitively to pleasure. It seems that orgasmic birth opened some hidden sources of pleasure within myself.”