Doula Dance Party at Midwifery Today

posted in: Blog, Doulas, Pleasurable Life | 0

I didn’t know that it could get better… And then it did! Midwifery Today is a special home for me and so many of my colleagues. I always meet new doulas, midwives, nurses, educators, and doctors who often feel alone … Continued

Ina May on Fear & Pain in Childbirth

posted in: Blog, News, Orgasmic Birthing | 1

[Tweet “Instead of crying, yelling or cursing when you stubbed your toe – what if you instead KISSED it? What would happen? @InaMayGaskin”] My dear friend, colleague, and inspirational wise-woman, Ina May Gaskin recently joined me in New Jersey at … Continued

6 Ways to Bond & Get Creative with Baby Prenatally

posted in: Blog, News, Pregnancy | 0

As you prepare for childbirth you are probably thinking about how to best care for your baby in the womb and your best options for giving birth so your baby arrives in a safe and pleasurable way. Sometimes we are … Continued

Media and Childbirth: Inducing Fear?

posted in: Blog, News, Pregnancy | 0

Do you watch birth on television? A study by Theresa Morris PhD and Katherine McInerney MA concluded, “Reality-based birth television programs do not give women an accurate portrayal of how women typically experience birth in the United States, nor are … Continued