The Society of Obstetricians and Gyneacologists of Canada, – calling for a reduction in cesarean sections These are very sad times when American Medical Associations are asking for legislation that would erode further women’s rights and take away the ability for women to make informed decisions about where and with whom they would like to give birth. Thus insinuating that women don’t have the ability to research and make informed decision about what the data supports as safe for themselves and their baby. I wrote recently about the American Medical Association statement calling to make home birth illegal. While they are focusing on the 1% of birth that take place at home, The Society of Obstetricians and Gyneacologists of Canada, SOGC released a statement calling for a reduction in cesarean sections due to the increased risk for mothers during childbirth and in future pregnancies. The rate of cesarean birth in Canada is 26%. They call this a concerning trend. Read their full statement and additional releases at: The US cesarean rate is over 30% with many regions rising above 50% today. This effects 1/3 to 1/2 of childbearing women in America or 1,300,000 to 2 million women. To read more about the harms of cesarean birth vs. vaginal birth visit Childbirth Connection’s systematic review Why are our medical organization not making any statements about the rising cesarean rate, yet choose to ask for a policy on home birth that currently effects 1% of all birth, the smallest percentage of births and those the research supports as safe? It’s hard not to see the effect of bias on the part of our medical system that has providers, consumers and institutions making decision based on fear. Fear of malpractice, fear that women’s bodies don’t work and can’t give birth normally and fear that at the end of the day home birth will take away from profit. How do these fears serve the health and well-being of women and babies? In a recent letter to The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, (ACOG) Dr. Fischbein asks his colleagues at ACOG “to defend your position in encouraging the AMA to lobby Congress for Another restriction on the freedom of choice that belongs to women and their families. Those choices include midwifery and the right to have the most beautiful and life-changing event occur wherever best fits their desire. Midwives are well trained and required to have obstetrical backup. They have very special relationships with their patients and want the very best outcomes for them. They do not need me or you to police them. We have a habit in our country over the past 40 years of thinking we can legislate out stupidity. All that has done is erode the individual freedoms that belong, by birthright, to each of us. I would hope you trust your Fellows to know their specialty, their colleagues, and what is best for the patient as an individual. These decisions do not belong to politicians or faceless committees. You should have more faith in your members to give balanced informed consent. Again, my recommendation to you is to put all your considerable energy into changing our legal malpractice system. Those of us actually practicing medicine and caring for patients know this to be the greatest threat to the mission and responsibility we have chosen to undertake. “ I welcome your thoughts on these issues. Warmly, Debra
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