What is so sexy about birth?!?

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What is so sexy about birth?!?

Recently, I was telling a friend about Ecstatic birth and my upcoming Ecstatic birth Tele-Summit and I noticed that she had a dubious look on her face.

When I questioned her she asked- “So, you’re trying to teach women that they can ENJOY childbirth?” 
Yes. I nodded, smiling.
She shook her head condescendingly. “Well, that’s an oxymoron.”

Her reaction is totally understandable, given our cultural messages around birth, the endless TV shows depicting a birthing woman as a shrieking object waiting to be rescued by the doctor or drugs. Given the medicalization of birth, women are more likely to be trading birth war stories, than sharing tales of birth as a pleasurable empowering experience. 

I’m totally thrilled to announce that things are changing.  I believe that in our lifetime we have the opportunity to turn our cultural inheritance away from fear, pain, and victimization in childbirth and into a legacy of joy, empowerment, and pleasure. You are here, aren’t you?  Intrigued enough to join my mailing list, to open this email, to look for what you know, deep in your soul, exists…

There are more films being made, communities being built, books being written, to support women in the reclamation of childbirth than ever before. And in order to reclaim childbirth, we must reclaim our bodies, we must reconnect. From the time we were young girls, we’ve been taught that our bodies are objects and our sexuality exists for someone else’s pleasure. That has a huuuuuge impact on childbirth. 

Why?  Because as foreign as it may feel, given our cultural conditioning, childbirth is an inherent part of our sexuality. I mean how else does the baby get in there, right? Childbirth isn’t separate and distinct from all that pleasure. It is the culmination of it. And all the conditions that make for incredible baby making- connection, love, joy- make for incredible birthing. 

I believe recaliming and reconnecting to our bodies is a necessity for EVERY woman out there, not just the pregnant ones.

All of you birth professionals out there, you’ll be the ones leading the way, getting this information out there and standing for a woman’s ability to create this type of birth experience. In order to set the stage and support a birthing woman in having an ecstatic or orgasmic birth, you will need to know what a deep body connection looks like and feels like. Your support for her starts with your own journey back to your body.

If you are a pregnant woman, there is nothing like the journey to motherhood that inspires us to connect to the deepest wisest part of ourselves, right? This wisdom (and PLEASURE) lies within our bodies.

And what if you aren’t even pregnant, but hope to be someday? That is the best scenario of all! Deepening your relationship with your body is an ongoing process. The sooner you begin the better.

As we all journey together to a place where a woman has a deep connection to her body and its innate wisdom and pleasure, we can begin to imagine the day when this will be the norm amoung our daughters, rather than something she has to work towards.

I, for one, can’t wait! You?

Sheila  Kamara Hay

For more information about Sheila and the Ecstatic Birth Tele-Summit: The Body Series visit ecstatic-birth.com.


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