An Orgasm a Day

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Enjoying and enhancing your sexuality is an important aspect of your overall health and well-being.  I have been following and learning from Kim Anami – an amazing sex and relationship coach, and was thrilled to meet Kim in person this past March in Bali after our Eat Pray Doula Workshop there!

Kim’s new video is amazing!  She shares the universal laws of female orgasms, including the benefits of enjoying our sexuality and orgasms which include increased creativity, lower depression, more happiness, increased income – Yes, Yes Yes!

[Tweet “”Single or in a relationship—your vagina is your power source.” @Kim Anami”]

There is so much to learn and enjoy in Kim’s videos and her classes about yourself, your sexuality, and harnessing your power! I recommend her classes as great preparation for a pleasurable, Orgasmic Birth and/or to revitalize your sex life after your baby(s) birth.

You can enjoy more of Kim’s amazing sexuality programs via her salon the “Well F**ked Woman” and her free video series which is launching now!

Get Free Sexuality Video Series now!


Coming Out Sexually

I am a proud affiliate of Kim’s programs, as I personally know the value of Kim’s teaching. By registering through my affiliate link you are also supporting my work to bring more respect, love and pleasure to childbirth around the world.

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