Orgasmic Birth Travels Orgasmic Birth is opening peoples hearts to all that is possible in birth as our documentary travels around the world beginning with the world premier at World Respected Childbirth Week in both the Czech Republic and Puerto Rico and continuing to cities around the U.S. Portugal, Israel, Mexico, Scotland, England, Chile, Canada, Brazil, Australia, Austria, New Zealand, Spain, Taiwan, Germany, and the list continues to grow. As the director, I have had a unique opportunity to share with audiences in London, Glasgow, Seattle, Portland, New Jersey, New York, Denver, Boulder and most recently in Minneapolis where approximately 500 people gathered for the Minnesota premier on Septermber 25th. From Minneapolis I traveled to the Rio International Film Festival where expert Ricardo Jones, MD an obstetrician in the film who personally made a transformative journey from traditional medical birth practices to humanized care with a team that includes a midwife and a doula, as well as composer John Mcdowwell joined me as we were interviewed and shared Orgasmic Birth. After the film we were joined by an official representative from the Brazilian Ministry of Health, Daphne Rattner, MD, Heloisa Lessa, a midwife, Fadynha – Brazil’s most famous doula and Victoria Birkbeck, the International Coordinator from the Rio Film Festival where we had a lively discussion about the challenges of changing health care systems that honor medical traditions instead of evidence based practices. Brazil’s Ministry of Health as well as their growing Humanization of Childbirth Movement – ReHuNa, are making large strides in effecting change and implementing evidence based practices in Brazil. We heard from the audience they valued Orgasmic Birth for it’s role in adding to the discussion and allowing all to see the beautify, power and importance of “normal” undisturbed birth for women and babies. We are now working with MovieMobz Distributors to bring Orgasmic Birth all over Brazil. In the Czech Republic Orgasmic Birth was shown in Prague, in Usti at the Festival Feminina and in Brno receiving many tears and thanks for helping a country who has had a long history of oppression that still lingers in some maternity practices to heal from past births and to strive to develop more humanized practices and options for all women, babies and families in the Czech Republic. The emotional responses touched all as both men and women cried, hugged and shared their thanks to our whole team for sharing such intimate moments that inspired them both personally and as a group to reclaim the power of birth. Audiences laugh, cheer and cry as they journey with the families and experts in the film As I feel the powerful reaction Orgasmic Birth brings, inspiring, adding to healing and opening peoples hearts to new possibilities in birth, I am humbled to have a part along with a very talented team, amazing families and experts to share our film. While home for just a week,before I travel to Germany, Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark with Orgasmic Birth. Interest is growing around the world with 95 countries viewing our web site as the time has come globally to take a close look at our birth practices, evaluate what is truly the safest, most satisfying and most pleasurable way to welcome a baby into the world. Please let your voice be heard by sharing Orgasmic Birth with friends and family and participating in the growing movement to Take Birth Back to the pleasurable, powerful and sacred place it deserves.
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