Ep. 121 – Balanced Body Approach For Birth And Pelvic Health with Rachael Van Schoick

Pregnancy and birth can be full of unexpected twists and turns. This week on @OrgasmicBirth, Doula Rachael Van Schoick shares her holistic approach to pelvic alignment and emotional healing postpartum.
#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #pregnancywellness #holisticbirth #pelvichealth #postpartumrecovery #osteopathy #maternalhealth #birthprep
Visit https://www.orgasmicbirth.com/ for more information on how to Positively Prepare for birth and parenting.

Ep. 120 – The Power of Rest to Help Women Give Birth and Dare to Claim Their Power

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DARE to say YES to REST this week on @OrgasmicBirth. Learn how deep intentional rest can transform birth experiences and everyday life with Daring to Rest Founder, Karen Brody.
#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #DaringToRest #RestIsRevolutionary #YogaNidra #BirthTransformation #MaternalWellness #SelfCare #SlowDown #MindfulMotherhood #EmpoweredBirth
Visit https://www.orgasmicbirth.com/ for more information on how to Positively Prepare for birth and parenting.

Ep. 119 – Empowered Induction with Tessa Catto

Labor induction got you feeling like you’re in uncharted waters? This week on @OrgasmicBirth, Tessa Catto shares how she turned her induction into an empowered, joyful experience – proving medical interventions don’t have to mean the loss of your birth vision.
#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #BirthArtAndBeyond #EmpoweredInduction #PregnancySupport #MaternalMentalHealth #ArtTherap
Visit https://www.orgasmicbirth.com/ for more information on how to Positively Prepare for birth and parenting.

Ep. 116 – Embrace the Power of Pleasure in Birth with Angelika Rodler

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Dive deep into the world of doula work and female empowerment this week on @OrgasmicBirth. Tune in to hear ELYSIA’s very own, Angelika Rodler shares a unique approach to helping women rediscover their bodies and their birth experiences.
#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #LoveYourYoni #Clitoris #FemalePower #DoularRevolution #YoniEmpowerment #HolisticParenting #SexualityInBirth #IntimacyInChildbirth #BodyPositivity
Visit https://www.orgasmicbirth.com/ for more information on how to Positively Prepare for birth and parenting.

Ep. 115 – Pleasure Leads To Abundance— How Orgasmic Birth Can Affect Your Financial Freedom with Amira Gorski

posted in: Blog, Orgasmic Birthing, Podcast | 0

What if the key to unlocking true prosperity lies in our willingness to surrender to the sensual delights of the present moment? Discover how pleasure is directly connected to abundance and financial freedom this week on @OrgasmicBirth. with our guest, Lustgeburt Founder, Amira Gorski.
#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #PleasureInBirth #FinancialFreedom #abundance #lust #selflove #SacredSexuality
Visit https://www.orgasmicbirth.com/ for more information on how to Positively Prepare for birth and parenting.

Ep. 114 – Let’s Take Pleasure Seriously: Findings from The Birth Pleasure Study with Dr. Elisabeth Bolaza

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Pleasure is a vital sign in birth! Hear groundbreaking insights from Researcher, Author, and Educator @_ebolaza in this week’s episode of @OrgasmicBirth.
#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #PleasureInBirth #PhysiologicBirth #Homebirth #BirthResearch #SexualityAndBirth
Visit https://www.orgasmicbirth.com/ for more information on how to Positively Prepare for birth and parenting.

Ep. 113 – Taking Back Control of Your Pregnancy with Evidence-Based Approaches with Rebecca Dekker

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Reclaim control over your choices and welcome your child into the world with confidence and joy! Discover how an evidence-based mindset serves as a gateway to the empowered, positive birth experience every person deserves this week on @OrgasmicBirth with our expert guest, Evidence Based Birth® CEO, Rebecca Dekker.
#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #EvidenceBasedBirth #InformedConsent #PositiveBirth #ChildbirthEducation #PregnancyMythbusting #EmpoweredParenting

Ep. 112 – A Ceremony of Welcoming Your Baby into the World with Rebecca Rivers Ellisor

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Birth is a sacred, transformative journey that can unlock profound ecstasy and pleasure. This is birth as it was meant to be— a rite of passage infused with joy, wonder, and the electric thrill of new life entering the world.

Rebecca Rivers Ellisor is a passionate advocate for pleasurable, empowered childbirth experiences. As a quantum hypnotherapist, full-spectrum doula, and founder of Born in Ecstasy, she supports women in cultivating the optimal internal and external environment for ecstatic birth and a sacred, nourishing transition into parenthood.

This week, Debra and Rebecca discuss the power of preparation in building a deep bond between the mother and her baby during pregnancy, the value of community support in creating a sacred and nurturing birthing environment, the benefits of shifting fear to empowerment, and tips for balancing motherhood with self-care.

Ep. 111 – Kerry Burke – Birth Story

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Birth stories remind us of the innate strength and resilience of the human body and spirit. Discover the power of reclaiming your birth story in this week’s episode of @OrgasmicBirth with At Peace Birth and Wellness owner, Kerry Burke.
#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #BirthStories #PositiveBirth #ChildbirthEmpowerment #PleasureInBirth #AutonomyInBirth #MindBodyConnection #TransformativeExperiences #BirthNarrative #BreakingTaboos #Doulas #ChildbirthEducation

Ep. 110 – Why Pleasure Matters to me

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Pleasure is no longer a radical idea— it’s a human rights issue. Make pleasurable birth a norm, not an exception this week on @OrgasmicBirth Podcast.
#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #PleasureInBirth #EmpoweredChildbirth #MaternityCareTransformation #DoularSkills #SexualityInBirth
Visit https://www.orgasmicbirth.com/ for more information on how to Positively Prepare for birth and parenting.

Ep. 109 – How to Raise Kids Who Love Their Bodies with Dorian Solot

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Breaking the cycle of avoidance and shame around sex and sexuality education is crucial to empowering the next generation to understand and celebrate their bodies. In this episode of @OrgasmicBirth, author and sexuality educator, Dorian Solot shares how parents can raise kids who love their bodies. #OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #postpartumcare #maternalmentalhealth #newmoms #selfcare #copingwithstress #managinganxiety
Visit https://www.orgasmicbirth.com/ for more information on how to Positively Prepare for birth and parenting.

Ep. 108 – Enjoy New Parenting by Kicking Worry to the Curb

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Be equipped to navigate the postpartum rollercoaster in this episode of @OrgasmicBirth as guest Mommy Groove Founder, Olivia Bergeron share self-care tips for new moms to overcome stress and anxiety.
#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #postpartumcare #maternalmentalhealth #newmoms #selfcare #copingwithstress #managinganxiety
Visit https://www.orgasmicbirth.com/ for more information on how to Positively Prepare for birth and parenting.

Ep. 107 – Dealing With the Unexpected in Birth (And How NOT to Give Birth in a Car!) with Tamara Walker

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How does your birth plan change when labor takes an unexpected turn? This week on @OrgasmicBirth, Doula Tamara Walker relates delivering her second baby on the highway! Plus, lessons about education, flexibility, and empowerment.
#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #unexpectedBirth #BirthStories #Doula #BirthTrauma #BirthEducation #BirthPreferences

Ep. 106 – Tantra as a Preparation for Orgasmic Birth​

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This week, Debra sits with world-renowned Tantra Master, Ma Ananda Sarita to discuss conscious conception, conscious pregnancy, and conscious birth. As a master healer, she guides students on the spiritual path of self-realization through Tantra, meditation, and healing past psychological issues.

#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #birthconfidence #education #preparation #empoweredbirth #birthpsychology #womenshealth #birthadvocay #reclaimyourbirth

Ep. 104 – Love your Birth! with Anne Margolis

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#BirthINatural. This week on @OrgasmicBirth, Licensed Certified Nurse Midwife Anne Margolis joins us to share how allowing the natural process of childbirth to unfold undisturbed leads to the best outcomes for moms and babies.
#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #HomeBirth #MidwiferyCare #PhysiologicalBirth #BirthTrauma #MindsetMatters #HolisticSupport #SelectiveIntervention #helaingBirth
Visit https://www.orgasmicbirth.com/ for more information on how to Positively Prepare for birth and parenting.

Ep. 103 – Unwinding Birth with Laura Hanstad

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Understanding all your birthing options can lead to the experience you desire. This week on @OrgasmicBirth, Craniosacral Therapist, Laura Hanstad
shares how you can stack the cards in your favor for a positive birth. #OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #BirthOptions #EmpoweredBirth #Hypnobirthing #DoulaSupport #MindBodyBirth #BirthTraumaHealing

Ep. 102 – The Potent Birthing Body

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Pregnancy, birth and motherhood are profound transformations – but too often women face criticism instead of celebration for their changing bodies. Tune in to this week’s episode on @OrgasmicBirth and hear practical tips and unique perspectives on reclaiming the dignity of the birthing body with Rosebud Woman Founder, Christine Mason.
#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #Birthingbody #matenalhealth #postpartumcare #bodypositivity #selflove #motherhood #healingtrauma #womenempowerment
Visit https://www.orgasmicbirth.com/ for more information on how to Positively Prepare for birth and parenting.

Ep. 101 – Why Pleasure Matters with Dr. Nan Wise

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When we are cut off from pleasure pathways, mental and physical health can decline. Listen in as this week’s expert guest, @askdoctornan sits on @OrgasmicBirth to share tools for managing stress and gaining access to our brain’s pleasure center.
#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #PleasureBirth #PleasureMatters #Neuroscience #StressManagement #EmotionalIntelligence #ParentingTips #SexTherapy #SelfCare #Mindfulness

Visit https://www.orgasmicbirth.com/ for more information on how to Positively Prepare for birth and parenting.

Ep. 100 – Similarities Between Preparing for an Orgasmic Birth and Sex with Debra Pascali-Bonaro

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Societal norms have long obscured the innate sexuality of the birthing process. This week on @OrgasmicBirth’s 100th episode, we will be diving into how the taboo of discussing birth’s connections to sex and pleasure has deprived women of a sense of safety during labor and delivery.
#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #Sexuality #BirthPleasure #SexBirthConnection #MindfulBirth #SensualBirthSpace

Ep. 99 – It’s a Business Doing Pleasure! with Alexandra Fine

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This week on @OrgasmicBirth: navigating the complex issues around childbirth and women’s sexuality, and the stigma around female pleasure, featuring special guest, @dameproducts CEO, Alexandra Fine.
#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #Birthingbody #birthworks #femalesexuality #sexualhealth #womenshealth #womenempowerment

Visit https://www.orgasmicbirth.com/ for more information on how to Positively Prepare for birth and parenting.

Ep. 98 – VBAC Facts: Demystifying Common Misconceptions with Decades of Evidence with Jen Kamel

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Debunk the #VBAC myths! In our new episode of @OrgasmicBirth, VBACFacts Founder, Jen Kamel shares the truth about VBAC candidacy, risks & more as proven by extensive research.
#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #VBACfacts #VBACeducation #BirthChoices #EvidenceBasedBirth #EmpoweredBirth #CesareanRecovery #VaginalBirth #MaternalHealth
Visit https://www.orgasmicbirth.com/ for more information on how to Positively Prepare for birth and parenting.

The Doula Movement Honoring the Past, Embracing the Future​

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Today, the evidence supporting doula care is robust. A recent blog and podcast by Rebecca Dekker on Evidence Based Birth eloquently states this facts and cites compelling statistics that demonstrate the profound impact of continuous labor support. From reducing the risk of cesarean birth to increasing the likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth, doulas play a pivotal role in improving birth outcomes.#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #VBAC #CesareanBirth #BirthPreparation #FertilityJourney #PregnancyLoss #BirthPlans #CesareanBirth #PlannedCesarean #Healing #CommunitySupport #BirthChoices #BirthingExperience #MedicalDecisions #DoulaStories
Visit https://www.orgasmicbirth.com/ for more information on how to Positively Prepare for birth and parenting.

Ep. 97 – Preparing for a Positive Cesarean Birth with Nicole Heidbreder and Amir Niroumand

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Tune in to this week’s episode of @OrgasmicBirth and hear Birth doula trainer, Nicole Heidbreder and her partner, Amir Niroumand talk about their story of healing, community support, & vision for a “magnificent C-section” honoring their transition to parenthood.
#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #VBAC #CesareanBirth #BirthPreparation #FertilityJourney #PregnancyLoss #BirthPlans #CesareanBirth #PlannedCesarean #Healing #CommunitySupport #BirthChoices #BirthingExperience #MedicalDecisions #DoulaStories
Visit https://www.orgasmicbirth.com/ for more information on how to Positively Prepare for birth and parenting.

Ep. 96 – Tips for a Gentle Cesarean Birth with Debra Pascali-Bonaro

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Prepare yourself to positively welcome your new baby, whether birth unfolds as planned or requires flexibility. Tune in to this episode of the @OrgasmicBirth to learn invaluable guidance on ensuring your needs and wishes are respected and met.
#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #VBAC #CesareanBirth #BirthPreparation #BirthHealing #BirthChoices #MindfulBirth #WaterBirthCeremony #SensoryBirth
Visit https://www.orgasmicbirth.com/ for more information on how to Positively Prepare for birth and parenting.

Ep. 95 – It’s Not Pain, It’s Power with Carina Devi Part 2

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Join us for part 2 of It’s Not Pain, It’s Power conversation here at @OrgasmicBirth with Carina Devi and hear the exquisite highs women can experience during birth #OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #intuitivebirth #trusttheprocess #maternalstrength #positivebirthprep
Visit https://www.orgasmicbirth.com/ for more information on how to Positively Prepare for birth and parenting.

Ep. 94 – It’s Not Pain, It’s Power with Carina Devi Part 1

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Ready to reclaim the power and pleasure of birth? Join us for an inspiring conversation @OrgasmicBirth with Carina Devi about preparing the mind & body for an empowered labor experience.
#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #EmpoweredBirth #NaturalBirth #BirthWithoutFear #BirthEmpowerment #BirthYourWay
Visit https://www.orgasmicbirth.com/ for more information on how to Positively Prepare for birth and parenting.

Ep. 93 – How To Have A Lot More Wow And A Lot Less Ow In Labor with Rachel Yellin

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Discover powerful yet simple techniques to downregulate stress and align with your body’s wisdom for birth on the latest @OrgasmicBirth with Childbirth Educator, Rachel Yellin where they share how to experience more “WOW” in labor
#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #BirthPreparation #BirthEmpowerment#MindfulBirth #NervousSystemRegulation #BirthEducation
Visit https://www.orgasmicbirth.com/ for more information on how to Positively Prepare for birth and parenting.

Ep.91 – 5 Pillars of Pleasure with Lovisa Dahl

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An empowered birth is a celebration of female power rediscovered. Learn how to achieve comfort, privacy, and sensory experiences during childbirth this week on @OrgasmicBirth with birth mentor, Lovisa Dahl.
#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #birthintuition #birthpreparation #womenempowerment #pleasurebirth #birthgasm

Ep.90 – Beyond the Hospital: Reclaiming Birth Autonomy with Dr. Stuart Fischbein

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Beyond interventions— it’s about empowerment! In this episode of @OrgasmicBirth, Dr. @reteachbreech shares how moving from a fear-based medical model to woman-centered care can help women navigate modern birthing options with confidence.
#OrgasmicBirth #Podcast #birthautonomy #informedconsent #birthchoice #empoweredbirth

In this insightful episode of the Orgasmic Birth podcast, host Debra Pascali-Bonaro enlightens listeners on the power of making informed decisions during childbirth. She introduces the ‘BRAINS’ acronym as a tool for expectant mothers and their support teams to navigate the myriad of choices and challenges that arise during birth. From exploring the benefits and risks of various birth interventions to trusting one’s intuition and setting boundaries, Debra guides listeners through each letter of ‘BRAINS’, offering a comprehensive approach to achieving a pleasurable and positive birth experience.

Ep. 89 – Use your BRAINS for Your Orgasmic Birth: Empowering Decisions and Joyful Journeys

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How can understanding and using your ‘BRAINS’ transform your childbirth experience into a positive and empowering journey?

In this insightful episode of the Orgasmic Birth podcast, host Debra Pascali-Bonaro enlightens listeners on the power of making informed decisions during childbirth. She introduces the ‘BRAINS’ acronym as a tool for expectant mothers and their support teams to navigate the myriad of choices and challenges that arise during birth. From exploring the benefits and risks of various birth interventions to trusting one’s intuition and setting boundaries, Debra guides listeners through each letter of ‘BRAINS’, offering a comprehensive approach to achieving a pleasurable and positive birth experience.

Ep. 88 – Empowering Your Birth: Sabine Dietz’s Orgasmic Journey in a Hospital Setting

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Join us on a transformative journey with our inspiring guest, Sabine Dietz in the latest episode of the Orgasmic Birth Podcast, where we delve deep into the art and science of achieving an empowering and orgasmic birth, even in the most unlikely places like a hospital. Discover how Sabine conquered her fears to experience a blissful orgasmic birth in a German hospital and learn from Debra’s profound insights on how to create a serene and sensuous atmosphere for childbirth, regardless of the setting. Whether you’re a first-time expectant mother feeling anxious about labor or a seasoned parent searching for a more fulfilling birth experience, this episode is a must-listen.

Ep. 87 – Insights into How and Why Informed Choice Matters with Dr. Elliot Berlin

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How can making informed choices in childbirth empower both parents and practitioners and what does it truly mean to have an empowered birth experience? In this episode, Dr. Elliot Berlin, DC delves into the significance of informed choices in childbirth, exploring the journey from fertility challenges to empowered birth experiences. Dr. Berlin shares his personal and professional insights, highlighting the importance of understanding options and the impact of those choices on the childbirth experience. This episode is a deep dive into how knowledge and choice can transform the birth journey for parents and caregivers alike.

Ep. 86 – Empower Your Birth: Transforming Trauma into Pleasure with Moran Liviani

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In this transformative episode of the Orgasmic Birth Podcast, host Debra Pascali-Bonaro explores the complex journey from childbirth trauma to empowering and pleasurable birth experiences with guest Moran Liviani. As a seasoned birth doula, Lamaze educator, hypnobirthing practitioner, and placenta encapsulation specialist, Moran offers valuable insights and personal reflections on overcoming past traumas, facing unconscious beliefs, and fostering a supportive environment for birth.

The State of World Doulas

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The State of World Doulas or Exploring the Global Landscape of Doula Care​ICI Step 4: Offering Continuous Support during labor and birth including doulas.
The ICI includes how Doulas play a crucial role in providing continuous support, contributing to positive birthing experiences and improved outcomes for mothers and newborns.
This week I am celebrating the longstanding presence of doulas in Brazil. Sophia Feldman Maternity Hospital in Brazil is a pioneer in the implementation of ICI and a shining example of the integral role doulas play in maternity care.

Ep. 85 – Lisa Strohdach’s Journey to a Harmonious Breech Birth at Home

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Join us as we welcome Lisa Strohdach, a mother, doula, pregnancy yoga instructor and orgasmic birth practitioner i.t. who’s here to share the intimate details of her peaceful and empowering breech homebirth. From the symbolic preparation of drawing a mandala on her belly to the final moments of birthing her son into the world, Lisa takes us on a journey marked by deep connection to her body and unwavering trust in the birth process.

Ep. 84 – Embracing Pleasure: Breaking the Taboo of Orgasmic Birth

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In this episode of the Orgasmic Birth Podcast, acclaimed host Debra Pascali Bonaro delves into the unspoken barriers surrounding pleasure and orgasmic birth. With deep insights on societal stigmas, the impact of cultural and religious beliefs, and the fear of misunderstanding, Debra presents a revolutionary approach to birthing—one that encompasses love, pleasure, and emotional well being. Discover how embracing the concept of pleasure can lead to a transformative birthing experience, reduce fear and anxiety, enhance the mind body connection, and foster a compassionate birthing environment. With firsthand accounts and expert perspectives, this episode challenges societal norms, uplifts the power of positive birthing experiences, and dares listeners to join the orgasmic birth evolution.

Ep. 83 – Empowering Birth: Insights for a Positive Experience and Pleasurable Birth

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Want to have a positive birth experience even in the hospital? In this episode, labor and delivery nurse Jen Hamilton shares her wisdom for having a positive and pleasurable hospital birth. She provides tips on feeling safe and comfortable in the hospital environment, choosing your ideal support person, communicating your needs to your care team, and mentally preparing for the sensations of labor. It’s time to erase fears and replace them with feel-good vibes. Get ready to enjoy birth on a whole new level!

Ep. 82 – A Mother’s View as a Doula: Ushering in the Next Generation with Lori Cosgrove

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In what ways does providing unwavering, compassionate support can reshape the experiences of childbirth and parenting?

In this moving conversation, host Debra Pascali Bonaro explores the concept of community support during pregnancy and birth by interviewing Lori Cosgrove. Lori shares her poignant journey from trauma and healing to empowering the next generation.

Ep. 81 – Birthing High with Marina Lembo

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Are you aware of the benefits of our natural flow of hormones? In this eye-opening episode, midwife Marina Lembo shares her profound wisdom about birthing high – harnessing the power of our natural hormones to facilitate easier, safer births. She explains how activities like hugging, dancing, laughing, and relaxing prompt our bodies to release healthy hormones like oxytocin and endorphins. Meanwhile, common hospital interventions like restrictions on eating/drinking and separation from loved ones spike stress hormones like adrenaline, leading to complications. Marina details the cascading benefits of optimizing hormones during labor and birth, from easier breathing transitions to immediate breastfeeding success, stronger immunity, and even positive epigenetic effects. She delivers an empowering message: no matter what twists and turns a birth story takes, we can tap into our inner “pharmacy” to bathe our babies in hormonal health.

Ep. 80 – Painfree Orgasmic Birth with Marie Gaboriau

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Today, we delve into the transformative journey of Marie Gaboriau, as she shares her profound experiences with childbirth and the impact it had on her perspective of the body, birth, and parenting. Marie challenges societal narratives around delivery, emphasizing the importance of redesigning how we perceive our bodies and the birthing process. From unexpected pregnancies to orgasmic births, Marie’s story unfolds as a testament to the power of intuition, presence, and surrender in the birthing journey.

Our guest, Marie Gaboriau, is an embodiment specialist and Ortho-Bionomy practitioner. With a background in remedial massage and years of training in Ortho-Bionomy, Marie combines her expertise in anatomy with an intuitive approach to guide her clients toward physical and emotional alignment. Inspired by her birthing experiences, Marie has become a passionate advocate, empowering individuals to trust their bodies and embrace a more intuitive approach to childbirth and parenting.

Ep. 79 Ecstasy in Birth: To Give Birth in Ecstasy with Dr. Marie-Pierre Goumy

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Embark on an exciting journey exploring the pleasure and incredible possibilities of an ecstatic birthing experience. This exploration incorporates acupuncture, singing, haptonomy, osteopathy, and various practices, revealing extraordinary opportunities within the transformative dimensions of childbirth. Get ready for a journey beyond the ordinary!

Doctor Marie-Pierre Goumy, a respected French physician, acupuncturist, homeopath, and author, guides people through transformative childbirth experiences. Her acupuncture, homeopathy, and medical expertise is blended with traditional practices and modern insights. Known for Tu Accoucheras dans l’extase (“You Will Give Birth in Ecstasy”), Dr. Goumy is dedicated to breaking generational cycles and changing the childbirth narrative. Going beyond the physical, she explores psychological and spiritual aspects, offering insights for a positive and ecstatic birthing experience.

Ep. 78 – What Orgasmic Birth Can Teach Us About Having a Great Sex Life

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Don’t miss this episode if you’re ready to redefine pleasure in birth, parenting, and birthwork! We explore not only the techniques for achieving orgasmic births but also the often-overlooked aspects of postpartum sex and reclaiming one’s sexual life after childbirth. Our insightful guest navigates the political landscape surrounding the cultural tendency to sterilize and desexualize birth, shedding light on the empowering potential of intuitive, instinct-driven birthing experiences.

Ep. 77 – Birth Trauma – Why Preparing for an Orgasmic Birth Matters

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Discover the secrets to an orgasmic birth that not only empowers you but also prevents birth trauma. In this captivating podcast episode, we delve into the profound connection between pleasure, intimacy, and childbirth. Uncover the four essential elements for a positive birth experience and learn how to cultivate respect, informed decision-making, and strong relationships with your care team. Gain insights into building effective communication skills, creating a respectful birth environment, and harnessing the power of pleasure as part of your labor preparation.

Orgasm can be a tool for pleasure in pregnancy, birth and parenting​

posted in: Blog, Orgasmic Birthing | 0

The Power of Orgasm
The female orgasm is an incredibly powerful experience.

It’s described differently by every woman, with some experiencing full-body waves of pleasure and others feeling pleasure more directly concentrated in their core.

But all women can likely agree that orgasm is beyond any level of pleasure they have felt otherwise.

More important than the physical experience, though, is the spiritual.

The female orgasm is a primal pleasure. During orgasm, we lose all sense of self and ego. We exist only in the pleasure we feel, and this can lead into a fullblown feeling of transcendence. The out-of-body experience can be a lession in how to harness your power and overcome the physical pains of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum.

Ep. 76 – The Impact of Early Life on Love, Sex, Pleasure & Procreation with Nicole Moore

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Discover the transformative power of pleasure in childbirth and parenting in this episode. Join host Debra Pascali Bonaro as she engages in a candid and enlightening conversation with Nicole Moore. Together, they explore how early life experiences can shape our perspectives on love, intimacy, and procreation, emphasizing that it’s never too late to heal and rewrite our narratives. Nicole’s journey, from embracing birth as a beautiful bounty full experience to her profound work with the Birth Into Being Method, illustrates how cultivating pleasure can pave the way for an empowered pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experience, fostering a beautiful feedback loop with our children. Tune in now to gain insights on understanding your own imprints and using this understanding to access the courage to assert yourself in this pivotal phase of life with Nicole Moore.

Ep. 75 – Embracing the Goddess Within: Empowering Pregnancy and Postpartum through Prenatal Massage and Touch with Melissa Hailemelekot

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Get ready to embrace massage, touch, and pleasure! In this episode, certified prenatal massage therapist Melissa Hailemelekot shares the profound benefits of bodywork before, during, and after birth. Listen in as Melissa guides us through practical techniques to find comfort, empowerment, and bliss in pregnancy and new motherhood.

Ep. 74 – Orgasmic Birth as an Ocean with Annie Weiler

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In this powerful episode, new mom Annie shares the transformative story of her 68-hour home birth journey surrounded by her loving family. She describes the ocean-like sensations of her long yet pleasurable labor and birth, the vital support of her doula and midwife, and the incredible bonding experience with her baby and relatives. Annie offers inspiration to other expectant mothers on embracing the waves of labor, trusting your body’s wisdom, and savoring each moment.

Ep. 73 – Moving from Fear to Confidence in preparing for your Orgasmic Birth with Debra Pascali-Bonaro

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Do you want to move from fear to confidence in childbirth? In this episode, Debra explores the common fears and anxieties around childbirth that often go unaddressed. She explains that while fear is a normal response, when not addressed, it can negatively impact the birthing experience by making it longer, more painful and increasing interventions. Debra guides us to identify and openly acknowledge our deepest worries.

Ep. 72 – Ecstatic Birth: Nature, Intention and Laughter with Lindsey Marie

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Curious about the positive impact of setting intentions for a fulfilling childbirth journey?

Join Lindsey Marie as she shares her transformative birth experiences, emphasizing nature’s connection and the role of healing. Explore the power of connection to your body, baby, and partner, the importance of preparation for childbirth, how to use laughter as a tool for birth, and learn how to approach childbirth with intention and creativity for a fulfilling journey. Let’s dive into Lindsey’s journey of exploring how she can have influence over her pregnancy and childbirth by tapping into an inner strength and love for all beings that will change her life forever.

Ep. 71 – Magic of Midwives with Heather Drumgoole

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Empowering oneself through knowledge, embracing intimate and joyful experiences during pregnancy, and choosing a birthing environment that aligns with one’s values and preferences can transform childbirth into a deeply personal and ecstatic journey, challenging the conventional narratives around birthing!

Ep. 70 The Role of Sexual Empowerment in Women’s Empowerment with Dr. Danielle Harel

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Childbirth is not just a physical act; it’s the ultimate confluence of sensuality, power, and transformation! Join Dr. Danielle Harel as she redefines the concept of the intersection of sexuality and childbirth. Emphasizing the transformative power of breath and mindful movement, she reveals how the pelvic floor is the nexus of empowerment. Challenging societal norms, Dr. Harel paints birth as an orgasmic, sensual experience. Tune in, reconnect with your body, and explore the potent blend of sexuality in motherhood. Don’t miss this enlightening journey!

Ep. 69 – Black Wombs Unbound with Shawnee Benton Gibson

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Imagine unlocking the healing power of pleasure during the miraculous journey of pregnancy and childbirth. Dive with us into a transformative conversation that challenges old norms and redefines birthing narratives with Shawnee Benton Gibson.
Shawnee Benton Gibson, LMSW / FDLC, is the Co-Founder and CEO of Spirit of A Woman (S.O.W.) Leadership Development Institute, an organization established in 2002 and designed to educate, elevate and effect positive and sustainable transformation in the lives of individuals, groups, families and communities. Under Shawnee’s leadership and vision, S.O.W. offers innovative coaching, counseling, workshop and training experiences to individuals, groups and organizations seeking to expand their power, purpose and impact in the world. Ms. Benton Gibson is a graduate of New York University’s Silver School of Social Work and is a licensed practitioner with over 28 years of professional experience in the areas of substance abuse prevention, treatment and recovery, adolescent development, individual, family and group counseling, women’s health, birth equity, social justice, grief, loss, bereavement and trauma.

Ep. 68 – Cut Open, Wounds Healed with Taylor O’Bryan

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Today, Taylor O’Bryan unfolds a story that challenges conventions, delving into relationships, unforeseen turns, and the inherent potency of birth. Taylor’s sister emerges as an indispensable pillar of support, while her own rituals provide solace amid the unpredictable. Her journey emanates empowerment, revealing the resilience of birth demands and highlighting the vulnerability, strength, connection, and birth’s profound transformation.

Ep. 67 – Why Birth Can Unleash Your Greatest Sexual Potential with Londin Angel Winters

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Dive into the world of post-childbirth intimacy with our guest Londin Angel Winters. Drawing from her experience of giving birth to her daughter Ava at 48, she shares her story of how surrendering to the process opened her up to a new level of orgasmic pleasure and connection with her partner. Learn how couples can stay connected amidst newborn challenges through synchronized breathing, deep understanding, and the magic of sexual yoga. For those seeking more, London offers insights from her books and courses.

A must-listen for anyone navigating relationships after welcoming a baby!

Ep. 66 – Positive Midwife-led Hospital Birth with Doula

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Dive into this episode as Merri Gruesser takes us on her journey from an expectant mother to a DONA-certified doula. Be prepared to be swept up in Merri’s tales of preparation, determination, and resilience during her own childbirth. Discover how she maintained unwavering optimism during the intense 3.5-hour push to delivery. Listen in as she uncovers the obstacles she overcame, the strategies she used to manage pain, and her passionate plea for every mother-to-be to embrace knowledge. This isn’t just Merri’s story; it’s a call to action for all expecting mothers to step into their birth experience with confidence and strength. Don’t miss out!

Ep. 65 – Birth and Sex: What’s Holding you Back from Finding Pleasure in Childbirth?​

posted in: Orgasmic Birthing, Podcast | 0

Why are both childbirth and sex often taboo subjects that evoke shame and silence rather than being seen as a fulfilling and completely natural sexual experience?

In order to discuss this, Debra Pascali Bonaro explores the connection between birth and sex, tackling taboos and shared characteristics like movement and sound. She highlights the harm in separating birth from sexuality and emphasizes understanding anatomy in both contexts, uncovering historical medical practices that disassociates birth from sexuality. Debra urges reclaiming birth’s empowering and sensual aspects, paralleling intimacy and birth while addressing fear and stress. In today’s episode, listeners are encouraged to challenge taboos, infuse pleasure, and reflect on their beliefs, inviting them to share birth stories and offering comprehensive childbirth education to honor the profound link between birth and sex.

Ep. 64 – Fear Vs Courage in Childbirth with Betty-Ann Davis

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Are you letting fear dictate your birth choices?

In this episode, Betty Ann Davis, an experienced midwife, discusses the culture of fear surrounding childbirth and breech birth. She advocates for normalizing breech birth as a safe option and emphasizes the importance of empowering women with evidence-based information. The conversation calls for a shift towards a more inclusive and empowering approach to childbirth practices.

Betty-Anne Daviss MA, RM has been a midwife for 47 years on various continents and a researcher in the social sciences and clinical epidemiology for 30. She cites learning from traditional midwives from Guatemala to Afghanistan as one of the highlights of her career. While acting as the project coordinator for the Safe Motherhood Initiative of FIGO in 2004, the follow-up to the Term Breech Trial was published, and she switched focus to searching across Europe for best breech practice. She has provided lectures in China, India, Africa, and Latin America on Human Rights in Childbirth, using the return to breech as one model solution.
Leen is a mother of 3, a mom of 2, and married to her soulmate. After the birth of her son, she felt the calling to become a birthkeeper. She is a birth and death doula, Doula trainer, Pregnancy yoga teacher, Hypnobirthing teacher, Birth photographer, Vice president of the Belgian Federation of Doula’s. After the beautiful orgasmic births of their own children, she wanted to experience the magic of pregnancy and birth one last time, so they decided to become a surrogate family.
How can we build a cohesive team that fosters collaborative care in childbirth? Explore this conversation between Debra Pascali Bonaro and Ibu Robin Lim, and learn about the transformative impact of doulas, midwives, and respectful birthing environments.

In this episode, they also discuss the importance of respectful and gentle prenatal care, the recognition of doulas as essential caregivers, and the collaboration between midwives and doulas, highlighting the significance of preserving the baby’s blood supply through delayed cord clamping and emphasizing the need for cohesive teams and access to safe and culturally sensitive care. They also mention Robin Lim’s books and the opportunity to support Bumi Sehat through donations. Overall, it serves as a call to action for creating positive childbirth experiences and celebrating the miracle of every birth.
Don’t miss this conversation on embracing pleasure in childbirth!
Susan is co-founder and CEO of two corporations: Personal Life Media, Inc., a publisher of heart-connected lovemaking techniques and bedroom communication skills, and The20, LLC., a manufacturer of organic and botanical supplements that enhance sexual vitality. She is also a best-selling author and publisher of 34 books and programs.Tune in to this episode to learn more about how you can have an empowered and pleasurable birthing experience!

Ep. 63 Gifts of Pregnancy, Orgasmic Birth and Parenting with Leen Leysen​

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In this powerful and inspiring episode, Leen Leysen, a doula and hypnobirthing teacher, shares her three unique birthing experiences and her incredible journey as a surrogate mother for a gay couple. Throughout her journey, Leen highlights the significance of trusting the birthing process, making informed choices, and surrounding oneself with a supportive and loving birth team. Her story exemplifies the power of love, connection, and empowered birth experiences.

Leen is a mother of 3, a mom of 2, and married to her soulmate. After the birth of her son, she felt the calling to become a birthkeeper. She is a birth and death doula, Doula trainer, Pregnancy yoga teacher, Hypnobirthing teacher, Birth photographer, Vice president of the Belgian Federation of Doula’s. After the beautiful orgasmic births of their own children, she wanted to experience the magic of pregnancy and birth one last time, so they decided to become a surrogate family.
How can we build a cohesive team that fosters collaborative care in childbirth? Explore this conversation between Debra Pascali Bonaro and Ibu Robin Lim, and learn about the transformative impact of doulas, midwives, and respectful birthing environments.

In this episode, they also discuss the importance of respectful and gentle prenatal care, the recognition of doulas as essential caregivers, and the collaboration between midwives and doulas, highlighting the significance of preserving the baby’s blood supply through delayed cord clamping and emphasizing the need for cohesive teams and access to safe and culturally sensitive care. They also mention Robin Lim’s books and the opportunity to support Bumi Sehat through donations. Overall, it serves as a call to action for creating positive childbirth experiences and celebrating the miracle of every birth.
Don’t miss this conversation on embracing pleasure in childbirth!
Susan is co-founder and CEO of two corporations: Personal Life Media, Inc., a publisher of heart-connected lovemaking techniques and bedroom communication skills, and The20, LLC., a manufacturer of organic and botanical supplements that enhance sexual vitality. She is also a best-selling author and publisher of 34 books and programs.Tune in to this episode to learn more about how you can have an empowered and pleasurable birthing experience!

Ep. 62 Changing the world with love one birth at at time with Ibu Robin Lim ​

posted in: Orgasmic Birthing, Podcast | 0

Join Debra Pascali Bonaro and Suzannah Weiss as they explore the transformative power of pleasure in childbirth. Discover how living orgasmically can heal trauma, cultivate breast sensitivity through massage, and create a birth plan that supports orgasmic births. Uncover techniques for staying calm during labor and envisioning the energy of your baby spiraling around you.

How can we build a cohesive team that fosters collaborative care in childbirth? Explore this conversation between Debra Pascali Bonaro and Ibu Robin Lim, and learn about the transformative impact of doulas, midwives, and respectful birthing environments.

In this episode, they also discuss the importance of respectful and gentle prenatal care, the recognition of doulas as essential caregivers, and the collaboration between midwives and doulas, highlighting the significance of preserving the baby’s blood supply through delayed cord clamping and emphasizing the need for cohesive teams and access to safe and culturally sensitive care. They also mention Robin Lim’s books and the opportunity to support Bumi Sehat through donations. Overall, it serves as a call to action for creating positive childbirth experiences and celebrating the miracle of every birth.
Don’t miss this conversation on embracing pleasure in childbirth!
Susan is co-founder and CEO of two corporations: Personal Life Media, Inc., a publisher of heart-connected lovemaking techniques and bedroom communication skills, and The20, LLC., a manufacturer of organic and botanical supplements that enhance sexual vitality. She is also a best-selling author and publisher of 34 books and programs.Tune in to this episode to learn more about how you can have an empowered and pleasurable birthing experience!

Ep. 61 – From Fear to Love for the Dads with Red Miller

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Join Debra Pascali Bonaro and Suzannah Weiss as they explore the transformative power of pleasure in childbirth. Discover how living orgasmically can heal trauma, cultivate breast sensitivity through massage, and create a birth plan that supports orgasmic births. Uncover techniques for staying calm during labor and envisioning the energy of your baby spiraling around you.

Suzannah Weiss is a sex and relationship writer, multi-certified sex educator, sex and love coach, sexual assault counselor and birth doula, helping people to live their lives orgasmically. Suzannah has been published in The New York Times wedding section, Glamour‘s sex guides, with writing on gender, sexuality, love, and social justice all over the internet, with over 8,700 articles published. She is a regular contributor to The Washington Post and New York Magazine.

Don’t miss this conversation on embracing pleasure in childbirth!
Susan is co-founder and CEO of two corporations: Personal Life Media, Inc., a publisher of heart-connected lovemaking techniques and bedroom communication skills, and The20, LLC., a manufacturer of organic and botanical supplements that enhance sexual vitality. She is also a best-selling author and publisher of 34 books and programs.Tune in to this episode to learn more about how you can have an empowered and pleasurable birthing experience!

Ep. 60 – Incorporating Pleasure Into Childbirth to Prepare for an Orgasmic Birth with Suzannah Weiss

posted in: Orgasmic Birthing, Podcast | 0

Join Debra Pascali Bonaro and Suzannah Weiss as they explore the transformative power of pleasure in childbirth. Discover how living orgasmically can heal trauma, cultivate breast sensitivity through massage, and create a birth plan that supports orgasmic births. Uncover techniques for staying calm during labor and envisioning the energy of your baby spiraling around you.

Suzannah Weiss is a sex and relationship writer, multi-certified sex educator, sex and love coach, sexual assault counselor and birth doula, helping people to live their lives orgasmically. Suzannah has been published in The New York Times wedding section, Glamour‘s sex guides, with writing on gender, sexuality, love, and social justice all over the internet, with over 8,700 articles published. She is a regular contributor to The Washington Post and New York Magazine.

Don’t miss this conversation on embracing pleasure in childbirth!
Susan is co-founder and CEO of two corporations: Personal Life Media, Inc., a publisher of heart-connected lovemaking techniques and bedroom communication skills, and The20, LLC., a manufacturer of organic and botanical supplements that enhance sexual vitality. She is also a best-selling author and publisher of 34 books and programs.Tune in to this episode to learn more about how you can have an empowered and pleasurable birthing experience!

Ep. 59 – Ecstatic Birth Massage to Increase Pleasure in pregnancy and after birth with Susan Bratton

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Can embracing and understanding our bodies after childbirth lead to transformative experiences? In a deeply personal account, Susan Bratton, an intimacy expert, shares her own childbirth journey, revealing the disconnection she felt from her body and the subsequent impact on her marriage. However, she also emphasizes the significance of postpartum body acceptance and the exploration of one’s sexuality. Susan’s involvement as an ecstatic birth partner for a friend further highlights her belief in the transformative power of childbirth experiences. Additionally, Susan discusses how her practice of expanded orgasm has played a pivotal role in her life, emphasizing the importance of pleasure, connection, and communication in fostering fulfilling relationships and overall well-being.

Susan is co-founder and CEO of two corporations: Personal Life Media, Inc., a publisher of heart-connected lovemaking techniques and bedroom communication skills, and The20, LLC., a manufacturer of organic and botanical supplements that enhance sexual vitality. She is also a best-selling author and publisher of 34 books and programs.Tune in to this episode to learn more about how you can have an empowered and pleasurable birthing experience!

Ep. 58 – The Healing and Transformative Power of Birth with Sandra Skjaervoe

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Prepare to be inspired as Sandra Skjaervoe, a courageous soul, unveils her personal story of transformative power. Determined to reclaim the lost elements of pleasure that had been stripped away during childbirth, Sandra embarked on a remarkable journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Join Debra and Sandra, united in their passion for reshaping the childbirth experience, embarking on an exploration of the power of mindset and conditioning.Sharon received a Master of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine from the Pacific College of Health and Sciences, magna cum laude. She received her Bachelor’s degree (BA) from Hunter College, magna cum laude. Sharon is board certified in acupuncture and Chinese herbology and licensed in the State of New York. Sharon’s practice, Healthy Healing, focuses on women’s health, fertility, stress, and pain reduction. Sharon is a certified birth doula and recent author of “Unleash Your Inner Goddess: How to Experience an Empowering Pregnancy, Labor, and Birth.”
Tune in to this episode to learn more about how you can have an empowered and pleasurable birthing experience!

Powerful Homebirth with Amy Greenfield

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Meet Amy Greenfield, a five-time Ironman, former teacher, doula, and birth photographer. In this episode, she unveils her path, from miscarriages to birthing twins in a hospital and finally embracing an empowering homebirth. Amy talks about the importance of empowerment in childbirth and how education can help avoid unnecessary interventions. Discover the transformative power of education, unconventional labor techniques, and the support available from loved ones, doulas, midwives, and workshops. Let Amy’s story inspire you to trust your own abilities when your own birthing experience arrives.
Sharon received a Master of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine from the Pacific College of Health and Sciences, magna cum laude. She received her Bachelor’s degree (BA) from Hunter College, magna cum laude. Sharon is board certified in acupuncture and Chinese herbology and licensed in the State of New York. Sharon’s practice, Healthy Healing, focuses on women’s health, fertility, stress, and pain reduction. Sharon is a certified birth doula and recent author of “Unleash Your Inner Goddess: How to Experience an Empowering Pregnancy, Labor, and Birth.”
Tune in to this episode to learn more about how you can have an empowered and pleasurable birthing experience!

Unleash Your Inner Goddess: How to Experience an Empowering Pregnancy, Labor, and Birth with Sharon McDermott

posted in: Orgasmic Birthing, Podcast | 0

Today we are going to explore the importance of pleasure in pregnancy, birth, and parenting and how acupuncture can support individuals through this process. Listen as a board-certified acupuncturist and Chinese herbologist Sharon McDermott joins Debra Pascali-Bonaro to discuss the role of traditional Oriental medicine and other modalities to help with fertility, pain reduction, induce labor, energy levels for breastfeeding mothers, and calming the body and spirit.

Sharon received a Master of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine from the Pacific College of Health and Sciences, magna cum laude. She received her Bachelor’s degree (BA) from Hunter College, magna cum laude. Sharon is board certified in acupuncture and Chinese herbology and licensed in the State of New York. Sharon’s practice, Healthy Healing, focuses on women’s health, fertility, stress, and pain reduction. Sharon is a certified birth doula and recent author of “Unleash Your Inner Goddess: How to Experience an Empowering Pregnancy, Labor, and Birth.”
Tune in to this episode to learn more about how you can have an empowered and pleasurable birthing experience!

Appropriate Use vs. Overuse of Epidural: How to Decide if an Epidural is Right for You

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Host Debra Pascali-Bonaro examines the overuse of epidurals and explores its impact on people’s chances to experience a pleasurable orgasmic birth. She encourages listeners to be aware of their options when it comes to epidurals – understanding both the benefits and risks associated with using one. This conversation provides tips on oxytocin enhancers and other techniques to manage pain during childbirth. Debra also discusses how hospitals often use language that can create fear or anxiety around birth, which can lead to unnecessary medical interventions.

Tune in to this episode to learn more about how you can have an empowered and pleasurable birthing experience!

Pregnancy and Birth are an Extension of your Sexuality with Erika Alsborn

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This episode of the Orgasmic Birth podcast dives deep into the power of pleasure during pregnancy and childbirth. In this episode, Erika Alsborn shares her powerful story of giving birth which was marked by intense sensations and an altered state of mind. Through her own healing journey and experience with birthing her first child, Erika has realized how transformative childbirth can be. This conversation explores the taboo shame surrounding sexual pleasure in childbirth along with the lack of good sexual education that has led to elements of pleasure being lost.

Conscious Postpartum Care with Christine Eck​

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Join us as we explore how to prepare consciously for postpartum care with Christine Eck’s insight and wisdom. We will discuss how to create a safety net through communication with partners, researching resources on postpartum care, and exploring nourishing foods, music, and smells that make us feel safe. We will also explore different ways caregivers can acknowledge and honor the shift into parenthood, such as through ceremonies, rituals, self-massage with warm oils, breathing practices, and writing. Plus, we will dive into Christine’s experience of how to support families during the sacred window of time, providing comfort and basic needs, offering advice and information, and making sure partners feel supported.Tune in to this informative episode for an insightful conversation about childbirth and parenting!

Birth, Love and Family: A natural birth story with Sabreena Colon

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Today, Guest Sabreena Colon shares her empowering story of preparing for a natural birth. At the same time, she talks about connecting with herself, trusting her body and baby, and finding comfort in knowledge. Sabreena invites us to hear about her experience giving birth, her various stages of labor, and how she felt supported by her family and midwife, ultimately experiencing a sense of bliss during contractions. Sabreena’s orgasmic birth was pure magic, and she is inspired to encourage other moms-to-be to trust themselves and their bodies. Tune in, and let’s break down the barriers to pleasure in childbirth and parenting together!
Tune in to this informative episode for an insightful conversation about childbirth and parenting!

Joy, Power and Companioning Challenges with Naima Beckles

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Join our guest Naima Beckles sharing her journey to becoming a doula, her experience with joyful birth, and the importance of sharing positive birth experiences along with the challenges of learning from them. The conversation also revolves around the importance of support during pregnancy and birth, especially in cases of emergency interventions or losses.

Tune in to this informative episode for an insightful conversation about childbirth and parenting!

Four Orgasmic Birth Myths Debunked with Debra

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Join host Debra Pascali-Bonaro in breaking down barriers and healing shame surrounding sexuality and childbirth. In this episode, she dispels myths around pain during childbirth and shares ways to bring comfort and pleasure to the experience. The conversation encourages individuals to have open conversations with their healthcare providers about their desires for intimacy and pleasure during labor, as well as the importance of having a supportive team.

The Clitoris: For More than Just Pleasure with Jessica Pin​

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My guest today is expanding the discussion and our understanding “The Clitoris: For More than Just Pleasure!”

Jessica Pin is an advocate for inclusion of detailed clitoral anatomy in medical literature and curricula, training standards for vulvar procedures, and correction of medical misinformation about vulvas. She has gotten 12 major medical textbooks, 2 top anatomy apps, and multiple online resources to update their content, and more to promise future updates. She has also published a cadaveric study with plastic surgeons, convinced OB/GYNs to publish a cadaveric study, and effected changes in OB/GYN and plastic surgery board certification, standardized consent forms, and residency curricula. She holds a degree in Biomedical Engineering from Washington University in St. Louis.

The Gifts of Waterbirth with Barbara Harper

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Today’s podcast is important because as doulas know, water labor and birth is not always available and should be! And when it is available, in too many places providers pull the plug when women start pushing. It’s time we all speak up about the many benefits of water and make sure when available it is part of every person’s comfort options for childbirth.

The Anatomy of the Clitoris and Its Role in Birth with Gil Hedley

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I recently saw an incredible video Anatomy of the Clitoris: Learn Integral Anatomy with Gil Hedley. I smiled, I had met Gil many years ago when he was having his children, I trained his sister as a doula and have loved following her path as she is now a midwife. Even Gils mother trained as a postpartum doula with me and we worked together for several years. So now to see his work so well describe the clitoris describing in his words ‘a beautiful gift and the blessing of the clitoris’, I knew I had to reach out to invite him to join me to share with you all his thoughts about the clitoris and any thoughts about the role it may play in labor and birth and his insight for an Orgasmic Birth

Bliss and Ease in Birth Through Movement with Stephanie Larson

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Stephanie Larson, the visionary founder of Dancing For Birth™, and renowned birth expert joins us to discuss movement and dance in birth. Her revolutionary childbirth method has helped countless women and birthing individuals achieve blissful and effortless births. Birth professionals can attend the Dancing For Birth™ Professional Training to learn and utilize this proven method. Parents worldwide can also benefit from the powerful combination of fitness, childbirth education, and celebration offered in Dancing For Birth™ prenatal/postpartum classes taught across six continents. Join Stephanie in empowering your body and birth experience through movement and instinct.

Birth and the Microbiome with Toni Harman

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In this episode, Debra and Toni Harman explore the impact of birth on a baby’s microbiome and immune system. Learn about the importance of doulas, skin-to-skin contact, and breastfeeding initiation and discover the vital role of the microbiome in human health, particularly during birth.

Ep. 44 – Writing and Communicating Your Birth Preferences with Debra Pascali Bonaro

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Debra shares how expecting parents can positively prepare for an orgasmic birth. From researching birth options, to expressing feelings and wishes, to being a part of the collaborative decision making, Debra helps listeners explore how to create customized birth preferences. She discusses ways to make labor enjoyable, and pleasurable by using movement, creating a special birth ambiance and feeling safe, supported and cared for.

Ep. 41 – The Initiatory Power of Birth with Dawn Leonard

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Dawn Leonard is a womb healing practitioner who has devoted over a decade to the art of healing the womb space, including both the physical uterus and the energetics of the “second chakra”. Her journey began with fertility and has since led her through a range of experiences, including pregnancy, birth,, menstruation, ceremony, and energy healing. Dawn specializes in the initiatory experiences inherent in the body of a woman or person with a uterus, and her passion is to empower others on their own journey towards womb healing.

Ep. 40 – The Power of Storytelling in Birth Work with Clancy McCarty

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Clancy McCarty is a registered nurse, and student-nurse midwife who spent over a decade as a documentary film producer with Every Mother Counts, the maternal health advocacy non-profit founded by Christy Turlington Burns that aims to make pregnancy and childbirth safe globally. Prior to becoming a student nurse-midwife, Clancy completed her doula training with Debra. She is the co-founder of Pregnancy Pathways, a consulting company providing education, resources, and guidance on how to find birth teams and settings for expecting parents in Los Angeles. She most recently became a mom, giving birth at home surrounded by midwives.

Ep. 39 – A Journey of Trauma Healing Through Ecstatic Home Birth with Meghan Hindi

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In this episode, Meghan Hindi, an inspirational mother who experienced healing through an ecstatic home birth, shares her powerful story of reclaiming her strength and finding joy after years of feeling like she was nothing. She stresses how birth can be a transformational experience and delves into the role of therapy in healing from trauma and accepting post-traumatic growth. This is an inspiring story that reminds us that with the right support, we can all access our power within!

Ep. 38 – Having a Breech Orgasmic Birth with Dr. Amanda Noelle

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Dr. Amanda inspires you with her wisdom about what to do when your birth plan turns upside-down and how she prepared for and had a miraculous orgasmic breech birth!

Through her personal experience, she shares how to navigate through fear, medical system stress, and unexpected challenges. Be inspired to receive better birth support, trust your own womb/gut, and receive from the divine to have a pleasurable and sacred birth-experience. Let’s dive in!

Ep. 37 – Stand and Deliver Birthing with Ease & Pleasure

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In this episode, Debra Pascali discusses the history of birth positions prior to the medicalization of birth, providing tips and tools to help parents prepare for birth with knowledge, power, and choices. She delves into the physiology of birth and how you can find comfort and pleasure in easing a baby into the world. Join us for this essential exploration into creating an informed birth experience full of pleasure!


posted in: Blog, Orgasmic Birthing | 0

The birth of our love child turned out to be a testament to love. We trusted our baby, she trusted me, and luckily we got a midwife who trusted us both. That alone made what could have been a chaotic and fearful hospital birth, where nearly all my wishes were thrown out the window, into a dignified and strengthening experience that we can all be proud of.

Ep. 34 – Bringing Sexual Health and Birth Together with Dr. Mary Jo Podgurski

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In this episode, Dr. Mary Jo Podgurski discusses the importance of good sex education and how it can help reduce barriers to pleasure for both survivors of sexual assault and new parents who are looking to have a positive postpartum experience. If you’re interested in learning more about how pleasure can help make childbirth easier and happier for everyone involved, I highly recommend listening to this episode!

Ep. 33 – Choosing to Have Faith in Love & Life with Jenny Koos aka Vulverine and Lovemark

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In this episode they share their birth story and how they became familiar with the concept of orgasmic birth. Jenny shares her experience during this her second labor, the extraordinary circumstances that didn’t permit the birth age had wanted, and how they were able to overcome the difficulties by focusing on love and joy. Tune in and find out the power of the oxytocin connection!

Ep. 31 – Birth As a Sexual Experience: The New Epidural with Dr. Aviva Romm

In this episode, Dr. Aviva Romm discusses embodied birth as the new epidural and how it can be a beneficial option for some women. She shares her insights about birth as a sexual experience and the importance of the feeling whole and connected in our bodies during this experience. Dr. Aviva breaks down different options for childbirth and the importance of honoring all choices when it comes to birthing. Listen and enjoy!

A Powerful Homebirth Story

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For some time now I have believed in the power of the moon energy for birth and conception. This birth’s timing reaffirms this for me.

I went into this pregnancy aiming to stay calm and at peace. I did pretty well. I focused on prepping my mindset and noticed the mind/body connection.

Ep. 30 – Life After Birth with Dr. Diane S Speier

Today, Dr. Diane S Speie provides great insights about how to make the transition to parenthood a positive experience. She is here to discuss – Is there sex after birth?: Sex and Intimacy in the Fourth Trimester”. She emphasizes the importance of talking openly about birth preferences to help create a better experience for both parents and stresses why sexuality is just one aspect of intimacy. Tune in and discover how to thrive in the Fourth Trimester!

Powerful Homebirth Stories

posted in: Blog, Orgasmic Birthing | 0

I knew the moment after James was born that I wanted to do that again! But it took a long time to be ready for it. In the meantime I was going through my journey into the Feminine. I read all about Orgasmic Birth. I trained as a birth doula, a prenatal yoga teacher and a Reiki practitioner. In fact, I’m pretty confident that it was while I was practicing Reiki on my husband that the conception vessel opened and we got pregnant again. There was no extra preparation or trying this time.

Are you Clitorite?

posted in: Blog, Orgasmic Birthing | 0

Birth is designed to be orgasmic, the fluttering vaginal contractions of orgasm initiated by the pressure of the fetal head also help ease the baby out. The engorgement of the vestibular bulbs and the crura provide a cushion for the back of the baby’s head to protect it from the hard bones of the pubic arch. All mammals evolved to have vaginal orgasm at birth to help their offspring out. Orgasm by external stimulation during sex is an added bonus.

Ep. 26 of the Orgasmic Birth Podcast

In this episode, we are joined by Margaret Jowitt to talk about how familiarity with a woman’s anatomy could greatly impact one’s experience of childbirth. Clitoris’ role in reproduction is often disregarded but with proper understanding and technique, it can actually ease the intensity of labor and make up for a positive birth experience.

Why Don’t Doctors Study the Clitoris?

posted in: Blog, Orgasmic Birthing | 0

“Every patient who enters Dr. Rubin’s office, regardless of age, is taken on a tour of their own vulva. No longer is a sheet draped over a patient’s legs for the pelvic exam — a convention that Dr. Rubin believes helps keep women’s “private parts” shameful and hidden. Instead, Dr. Rubin starts by handing her patient a long-handled mirror to see the same anatomy that she will be examining.

With a Q-tip, Dr. Rubin probes each part of the vulva for pain, pointing out the labia minora, labia majora and vaginal opening as her patient follows along. Then, she checks under the clitoral hood for adhesions or other skin conditions. The entire exam usually takes under five minutes. “We go at your pace,” she said recently in an exam with a 62-year-old woman, who was experiencing pain after sex. “You’re the boss of this show.””

Inside Magazine Features Orgasmic Birth

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Rodríguez, who works as a doula in Cancún, said she experienced the kind of orgasmic birth that Pascali-Bonaro referred to, which Rodríguez described as “intense, orgasmic states of mind.” She added that while giving birth she also experienced sexual orgasms.

Ep. 18 – Be a Goddess for Your Birth with Andrea Hausheer

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Birth can be safe, healthy, and empowering for women. With proper preparation and the right support team, there’s a greater chance of achieving orgasmic birth, leaving a wonderful memory for you and your partner. In this episode, Doula Andrea Hausheer discusses how home birth can be a wonderful experience as a mother and how different it is from giving birth at the hospital.

Ep. 15 – The Missing Link in Maternity Care

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Doulas have many benefits for a woman during labor and postpartum, but there are not enough of them in the birthing space. Listen in as Debra discusses how doulas are the missing link in maternity care, and how they can help amplify the voice of the birthing people facilitating informed decision making

Why Cashell Became a Doula

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I loved learning from the various specialists (lactation consultant, midwife, etc.). I loved how empowered, inspired, and informed I felt after each class. I felt so fortunate to receive life-changing training from such a knowledgeable and passionate teacher (Debra) from the comfort of my home.

Ep. 14 – Manifest Your Orgasmic Birth with Gina Ojeda

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How do we manifest a blissful, orgasmic birth? It involves targeting your limiting beliefs and looking more deeply into our minds and bodies. Today’s episode features Gina Ojeda, who will be sharing her powerful personal experience of a blissful birth. Listen in and explore the topic of pleasure, as it is one of the most important factors for a joyful and peaceful experience during and after birth.

Ep. 13 Oxytocin – The Hormone of Love, Birth, Bonding, and Breastfeeding with Dr. Sarah Buckley

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How significant is the role of oxytocin in our bodies during labor and after birth? Dr. Sarah Buckley joined us in Episode 4 to talk about the hormones of Love, Sex and Childbirth. Today, Dr. Buckley is back to get in-depth on the roles of hormones when interventions are needed and on how to fill the hormonal gap in labor and after birth. Today is essential information to help you make informed decisions about induction and understand the differences between natural and synthetic oxytocin.

Ep. 10 – Reclaiming Our Birth: Transmuting Painful Histories into Power with Piper Lovemore

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Piper Lovemore is an original Orgasmic Birth alum. Since birthing her first child in our documentary, she has gone on to welcome 6 more children, at home, via empowered, sovereign, and intuitive free births. Inspired by the concept of birth as a catalyst for personal growth and transformation, she has pursued a passion-driven career in the birth arts and supported hundreds of families as a birth educator, doula, and midwife.

Ep. 9 The Art of Connecting with Your Body for a Lifetime of Bliss with Sheila Kamara Hay

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Sheila Kamara Hay shares how letting the sexual energy flow from our bodies as opposed to resistance allows for magnified pleasure. Tune in to learn about sensual expansion and how we can activate pleasure within the body to support the progression of your labor. Sheila emphasizes the power of tapping into our natural design and how pleasure is an innate part of our process.

Ep. 7 | Live Freely & Connect With Your Sexuality with Naoli Vinaver

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​Naolí Vinaver is a Mexican midwife who combines traditional Mexican and contemporary home birth practices, with a profound respect for the physiology of natural birth, having attended over 1700 home births in both Mexico and Brazil. Naolí is a passionate speaker and educator, teaching hundreds of workshops and seminars in over 30 countries around the world.

Ep. 2 | The Anatomy of Arousal

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In this episode, we discuss:

Shame and society’s conception of g******s Clitoral Complex: female pleasure, anatomy, and function The female reproductive organ is interconnected and complex. It’s more than just what we see. Female reproductive system’s role in pleasure and arousal We could make the birthing experience pleasurable when we have a full understanding of the female reproductive organ’s anatomy and its role. Bad history of ‘vaginal orgasm’ and ‘clitoris orgasm’ impacts negatively the way we look at our own sexuality Rewriting our thoughts about the female body, and the active role of the female reproductive organ in fertilization Rachel talks about the importance of understanding your own sexuality and the benefits of integrating this into sexual education

Ep. 1 of the Orgasmic Birth Podcast

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Lack of good sexual education has led to a rise in fear of childbirth and dissatisfaction with the experience. Debra highlights the importance of having a positive experience during labor and birth, emphasizing the importance of trusting one’s body. Midwives play an important role in making women feel confident and empowered in the childbirth process. It is important for people to have access to trained midwives who can provide support during labor and delivery. The Global Survey on Birth and Breastfeeding Practices was convened to launch a global initiative to improve breastfeeding rates. Debra talks about how collaborating with other organizations have led to a number of successes, including the creation of the International Childbirth Initiative. Debra also tackles the effects of bad birth experiences on people’s feelings about their bodies and relationships.

Doing it at home

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What an important and personal discussion I had with Sarah Bivens from Doing It At Home, a company helping parents to feel confident, prepared and excited for home birth She shared a bit of her own birth story and decision to change from a hospital birth to a home birth and then we dove deep into her practices that include utilizing sexual energy for manifestation, healing and joy (as opposed to only looking at it for procreation, fun and/or duty)!

She shared how important it is for us to do our own work on having healthy relationship to sexuality and went onto discuss sexuality as a pillar of health (in all senses of the term) that impacts creativity and expression.

Watch our conversation below.

4 Reasons We Struggle with Pleasure

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Tilly shared her story of how her first birth opened her up to a pleasurable birth experience and she wanted that feeling of being fully connected to her body again without having to be in labor. She explains how “Birth has a way of awakening and pushing up our trauma and drama “ and how healing is at the root of what holds many people back from experiencing their pleasure and desire to its fullest. Yes!! For me this is so important to consider as pregnancy, birth, and early parenting benefit so much from healing and as Tilly said acknowledging that intergenerational trauma – what is handed down from our ancestors, impacts us and now as a new parent you have a choice of bringing healing and providing your children with a different story and healthy connection to their body, pleasure, and sexuality. I asked her and ask you to consider what the world would be like if everyone had a positive relationship to your body, pleasure, and sexuality with great sexual education so you can experience your pleasure in birth to its fullest?

I would love to hear your thoughts?

Best Day of Her Life Birth Story

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My husband ran to press the button that opens the condominium door on the bottom floor (we’re on the third). He ran back to me, I pushed out our baby, and he put her on my chest. The whole birth team rushed in together. “We’re here!!! OMG you did it!! We’re here! You did amazing!!” I heard the click-click of the camera. I had done it. Maria Elena was so sweet looking up at me. She stretched and seemed to like having extra space. We stared at each other. It was pure magic.

pandemic rainbow baby

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I had a very smooth pregnancy and actually felt some gratitude towards this crazy situation (Covid). I normally travel a lot for work and was worried that my work travel schedule would create stress during my pregnancy. Since we had to be at home, I really slowed down, became more present, and even further connected with my husband during this special time in our lives. Up until little Oliver’s arrival, I stayed as active as possible walking, swimming, and practicing yoga.

Ways to help Ukrainian Pregnant People

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Together with the help of many birth keepers, we’ve compiled a list of the birth groups and ways you can donate, send supplies and hold both the MotherBaby-Families and those providing care in your heart and prayers for safety, strength, and with love. We will continue to surround them with love and support in these challenging times.

Please comment below or email us to add additional resources. Our document is a living doc, and we will update as more information comes in.

Ideal Birth Rooms

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A hospital with a bed and stirrups is definitely lacking in privacy and feeling unobserved, and it may not be as safe as you’d like.

The process of labor and birth is controlled by a carefully orchestrated set of hormones and processes. These processes are enhanced by the environment and the comfort and calm that can be maintained. A birthing person feeling stress or adrenaline will reduce the building hormones needed to continue moving labor forward.

So, when you walk into a birth room and only see a bed and stirrups, your response should be “what else do you have available for comfort and privacy during birth?”

A Single Mother’s Home Birth Story

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One of her proudet moments, 💓💫
The home birth of her second daughter.
The pregnancy she experienced as a single mama.
The birth she planned as a single mama.
The birth she achieved as a single mama.
And now raising her two girls as a single mama.

How to become a doula

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DONA International is one of the oldest and most respected Doula Organizations in the world. I’ve been a Birth and Postpartum Doula Trainer for most of my career, and I am honored to be a part of this exceptional organization. Read my guide to becoming a DONA certified doula.

Birth is Sexual: 5 Reasons Why

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The anatomy of birth is the anatomy of pleasure, intimacy, and sacred sexuality. Birth moves a baby through a cervix, vagina, opens the labia, and touches clitoral nerves – all that under the right conditions can also bring pleasure and orgasm. I always say if you were to tell a person with a penis that they would have sensations there for over 10 hours, but that it isn’t sexual, that they would look at you like they were crazy!

Free Childbirth Hub by Choices in Childbirth

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After a year-long, community-centered process led by Every Mother Counts, the Choices in Childbirth series launches this week! This is a FIRST-OF-ITS-KIND educational hub for pregnancy, birth, and beyond–including films, worksheets, and helpful advice to guide every stage of your maternity care … Continued

6 Birth Experiences

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How Birth Effected her Sexuality TW: miscarriage    shared by Aimee I have had six incredible birth journeys, each one beautifully supported and held. I felt empowered to make my own decisions and supported to traverse to the depths of … Continued

Homebirth story

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The First Sight is Everything – Homebirth Story of Danae The hardest, proudest, most intense, beautiful, empowering, healing, soul connecting, incredible experience of my life! ~ birthing my son at home. Never in a million years did I think I … Continued

Survivors Give Birth

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If you need support contact the National Sexual Assault Hotline 1-800-656-4673 When Survivors Give Birth Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault Our webinar covered difficult feelings that can be challenging, and yet is essential to talk about. I hope as you listen … Continued

Healthline Orgasmic Labor and Birth: Could It Be for You?

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By the time you got pregnant, chances are you saw plenty of people on TV and in movies having painful, difficult births, complete with lots of screaming and crying (and maybe a spouse’s hand being squished, too).

But what if birth didn’t have to be anything like that? What if it could be pleasurable? It turns out that there’s a movement trying to help more people experience this type of orgasmic birth.

Contraction Stations

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I felt like I had to learn how to push.

It was the most POWERFUL feeling I could ever imagine and I was in awe of my animal nature. It was as if the power of all the women before me was coming through as I roared and roared. Laurence and Francesca were like my cheerleaders. They were so so amazing, words can’t explain.

Catch Your Own Baby

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Catching Your Own Baby shared by Hannah Atterberry, Empowerment Birth Services My birth was such an incredible journey. It was long… it was intense… and oh. So. Satisfying! Intense, transcending, beautiful, empowering, powerful all describe my birth perfectly. My daughter … Continued

Lotus en caul Birth Story

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One of the greatest joys of being the founder of the Orgasmic Birth movement is meeting people around the world who are in all different places of healing and expanding into their vision for birth and parenting.

I’ll never forget meeting Sarah-Jane at our Eat Pray Doula retreat in Bali. It was particularly special because Sarah-Jane was preparing to welcome her second child. We were not only able to spend a beautiful time together during our eight-day retreat, but afterwards we enjoyed many hours together as she moved through the many emotions and healing from her first birth as she prepared for her second.

I loved watching her create her incredible and supportive birth team as she prepared for a beautiful Orgasmic Birth. I’m so excited to share our special webinar – reconnecting and sharing not only her ecstatic birth story but with inspirational tips and wisdom as she is birthing forward her wisdom in some very special ways.

Seeing each person find their power in birth is an honour beyond what I have words to describe, I invite you to hear for yourself Sarah-Jane’s power of birth. ~Debra

Empowering Birth Story

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Empowering Birth Story Today I want to share the story of one of my doula clients, Naomi.  Here’s what Sara Elizabeth, another student, had to say about watching Naomi’s birth story: “The videos of Naomi’s first and second birth experiences … Continued

How to have an Orgasmic Birth

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Having an Orgasmic Birth with Renee Rodriguez Renée Rodriguez talks about her experience of pregnancy as a woman in the corporate world and how she was able to explore birth options that were as dynamic as her changing life. She … Continued

Become A Doula

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Are you ready to begin your doula practice or learn how to support your partner, friend, or family at their birth? BECOME A DOULA Download my free guide9 Steps to become a working doula [in less than 1 month] Plus, … Continued

sensual birth

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Renée Rodriguez talks about her experience of pregnancy as a woman in the corporate world and how she was able to explore birth options that were as dynamic as her changing life. She highlights how involving sexuality throughout both of her labors transformed her state of mind and being, ultimately leading to two orgasmic births. With her stories, she aims to emphasize that you don’t need perfect conditions or a perfect pregnancy to have an orgasmic birth.

Find more resources for expectant parents: https://orgasmicbirth.thinkific.com/for-parents

3 Tips for a Pleasure Packed Pussy

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Yanique Bell is a Tantric Intimacy and Empowerment Coach, also known as the Pussy Queen. She helps wild-hearted woman reclaim their pussies and unlock their sacred potential.

She got her Bachelor’s in Religion from Princeton University, where as a former pre-med student, she focused on the relationship between Religion and Science. A long-time lover of the mystical with a deep hunger for knowledge, Yanique takes an approach to healing and actualization that weaves both ancient wisdom and modern science. She’s gone from being a celibate people-pleasing Christian good-girl, someone who was “holy and broken” to a woman who is “whole and complete.” And now, she’s here to guide you deeper and deeper into YOUR personal wild.

She joined my Orgasmic Birth Practitioner Members (interested, learn more here) for a webinar and I’m excited to share a snippet of that with you today.

5 Reasons to Hire a Doula

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Are you dreaming of your birth with many swirling emotions? 
Would you like to have a safe, gentle birth with respect and love? 
Are you afraid of the pain and wondering if you can do it? 
Are you confused? 

There are so many options and stories it’s hard to know what is best.
A doula can make the difference to help you achieve the birth you desire!

How Well Do You Know Your Vagina

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Carolyn DeLucia, MD., FACOG is a board-certified OB/GYN helping women to regain their feminine empowerment through sexual wellness by solving painful sex, lack of sensation, and pleasure. She helps women to restore their confidence, reconnect with their partners and reclaim their lives. She is also the author of Ultimate Intimacy.

Dr. DeLucia shares a review of female anatomy, G-Spot, Clitoris and the effects of childbirth, menopause, and estrogen on the vaginal walls and sexual sensation.

She also shares a beautiful understanding of how our vulvas are each like a snowflake, beautiful, and unique.

Birth of Harmony

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My dharma is to raise you, Harmony Riot, in the consciousness of this Essence which lives and breathes inside of you. I love you from the depths of my being and I will model to you how to love yourself above all else and then offer that love to the world 🌎

WOMBen… take your power back, reclaim your birth, you just might hold more strength than you realize… I bow to you, Namaste 🙏

3 Key Topics Birth Practitioners Need To Know

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Our guest, Sheila Kamara Hay shares 3 key topics birth practitioners need to know to support pleasurable birth. You’ll learn about reconnecting with your body’s wisdom, expansive pleasure, and how to have an ecstatic birth amongst the intensity that comes with labor. She calls this “Body, Bliss, and Ecstatic Birth”. If you want to watch Sheila’s full interview and other guest experts, be sure to join our wait list for our Orgasmic Birth Practitioners: https://www.orgasmicbirth.com/practitionerwaitlist

Pregnant and Empowered

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Elizabeth Clyde, the author of Pregnant and Empowered, retells her birth stories and discusses her experience as an African American millennial mother. She advises pregnant people to make birth a mental experience and to make it their own. She found the presence of mind to be a powerful, reflexive tool that is useful whether a birth experience is a marathon or a sprint. Elizabeth emphasizes the importance of advocating as the primary care for your child and explores how disparities emerge from lack of encouragement toward education. The power in birthing and nursing a child is one that should be chosen but is too often stolen away.

Birthing Goddess Birth Story

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Regardless, I had set everything up to make sure this birth was everything I wanted. I had been suprised weeks before, on return from a rare outting, by Bodhi and Clint, who had decorated our loungeroom and from that moment on it was referred to as our birthing space. Bodhi meticulously positioned the birth pool in the exact spot it was for his birth, we had blockout curtains on every doorway, fairy lights, affirmations, crystals, diffusers, homeopathy, essential oils, blankets, towels, baby cloths, cloth nappies, GoPros and cameras set up… I wanted to spend time floating in the birth pool before birthing in there with Clint and Bodhi in the pool too, and my birth plan even listed Bodhi as one of the people to “catch the baby”. I had taken him shopping in the weeks leading up for his own mirror as he had become equally as obsessed as me with watching birthing videos and seeing the baby crown. I had an Erykah Badu playlist ready (I think she’s a Queen and FUN FACT she is a Doula; more on that at another time), I had planned everything to the T. Which oils would be in the diffuser at each stage of labour, I had premixed roller bottles with instructions of when and how to apply, I had a memo on the wall of when to call Janine and Me

Twin Homebirth Story

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After many months of struggling to conceive and with the help of fertility assistance, we were finally pregnant! I went in for an early ultrasound to make sure everything was progressing normally and then – TWINS!! The first thought that went through my head was – “oh no!!! My birth!!” Thinking I may be doomed to a medicalized hospital birth or cesarean. Little did I know I was already under the care of remarkable midwives who had vast experience supporting twin home births, so the doors of possibilities for a positive and peaceful home birth experience were still wide open to me!

12 Pleasurable Birth Rights

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Let’s talk about our Rights In Birth.

Not just those that we “expect” like quality care, and respect, but even more. It’s time to start demanding that birth is more than just another medical procedure, that it can be full of love, pleasure and power.

Today, I’m sharing with you what I call your “Pleasure Rights” in Birth.

1. You have a right to a Pleasurable Birth (SHOCKING? But I believe it’s the basis of all rights in birth.)

Share your doula story

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Share your doula story Debra loves training doulas around the world. Share your story to inspire others. Please consider when writing: Why you became a doula Why you trained with Debra What you loved about your doula training Where you … Continued

Know your options in birth

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Caroline, a Doula and birth photographer from Belgium walks us through her two different birth stories and talks about how she learned from the first to advocate throughout the second. This involved making decisions based on what felt right for her body and overall exploring her options and finding ways to make them possible. Caroline discusses the important role that movement played in her second birth and how the support of her birth “crew” felt like the final pieces coming together for her complete experience.

Benefits of Sex

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In this article, Megan Harrison from Couples Candy provides a rundown on all of the health benefits of having sex. From living longer to being smarter and having a ton of fun while doing so. Unadulterated, consensual, fabulous sex is often a … Continued

A Sacred Birth

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Michelle and Rodrigo were able to grow through the sacred experience of birth as a couple. They highlight the importance of using a doula as well as educating onesself on the options of labor and knowing what to expect. Throughout their experience they prioritized honest communication and normalizing when things don’t go according to plan. Also, their discussion of a birth ambiance featuring a neutral yet decorated safe space mentions the use of calling upon ancestry for assistance and support.

Follow the Lead of Your Body and Baby

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Nienke de Leeuw, a midwife of Vive, a group based in Amsterdam, talks us through her two birth stories and her discovery, exploration, and experience of orgasmic birth. She describes a transformation she took on within her role as a midwife to explore pleasure and joy in birth as a result of her own experiences and expansion of ideology. Nienke also discusses the benefits she has experienced with sensual dance and emphasizes the importance of prioritizing self love before and after pregnancy.

Prepare your space for birth

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Reena, a Balinese midwife, moved to Belgium with her partner and gave birth to two children in a completely new culture. We got together to catch up, and she shares with me about her first and second births, the things she changed, and how she healed.
Using all of her knowledge as a midwife, her first birth experience, and her love of Bali, Reena worked to create an environment that would remind her of the comforts of her Bali home. With the help of a supportive team, Reena was able to feel confident in her second birth.

Labor Induction

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Induction of labor has become increasingly common but is not always successful because of how it differs from physiological onset of labor. The optimal number of oxytocin receptors are often not yet ready during induction which means contractions can be longer, stronger, and closer together. This hormonal gap can be closed, however, with skin to skin contact as well as breastfeeding.

Closing Hormonal Gaps When Giving Birth by Cesarean

While pre-labor cesarean sections can lead to hormone gaps for MotherBaby, beginning labor before the cesarean birth can limit these effects. This allows hormones such as catecholamine to surge and ready the baby to exit the womb. Skin to skin contact and breastfeeding are post-labor ways to bridge the hormone gap as well. Find out more about Dr. Sarah Buckley’s perspectives on gentle cesarean births.

Hormones of Childbirth

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Your Brain, Birth and Pleasure: Mother Nature’s Superb Design – Dr. Sarah Buckley discusses the positive feedback loop of hormones in childbirth.  Learn why birth is designed to be the best first date ever to fall in love and get ready for a lifetime of parenting.  Understand how to have an ecstatic birth,  how to set up a birth environment according to the science of our brains and why birthing a baby requires the same environment as making a baby.

Home Birth Skeptic to Believer

When I became a doula 5 months after my VBAC birth, I didn’t “believe” in home birth. As if home birth needs me to believe in it (ha!). And less than a year and a half later I would be giving birth in a fishy pool in my living room. I had preconceived notions about home birth being unsafe, about mothers and babies dying, about home birth being something only radical and rebellious people did (I hadn’t quite tuned into that part of my life yet). And yet, when I decided on my youngest son’s 1st birthday to have another baby, and subsequently found myself pregnant 3 weeks later, I couldn’t help but feel curious about it.

2nd Birth Helps Kaitlin Find Her Power for the First Time

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This birth turned off the little voice in my head that shut down every ambition and good idea I had and turned on my self-confidence, my power, my curiosity, and erased every bit of fear I have ever had. It was a transformative moment that changed me forever. The work I did during my pregnancy, the support team I built for myself, the active role I took in my birth, it all had impacts far beyond the delivery room, and is the fuel behind my lifelong passion to improve the maternal experience.


posted in: Blog, Orgasmic Birthing | 2

When Birth Isn’t What You Expected: 3 Lessons by Kaitlin McGreyes Kaitlin had three very different births that reflect her journey from new mom to seasoned birthworker and advocate for women’s health. Each experience offered lessons and room for growth … Continued

Bengkung Belly Binding

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Bengkung or Stagen is considered as the ancient way of healing. This product’s primary function for the postnatal mother is to make the mother feel warm and comfortable.

Visioning Your Health for a Pleasurable 2021

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Is there something going on that you know you must address, as Debra did?

Is this your wake up call?

Debra has decided to do another 30 Day Transformation in January and we are excited to invite you to learn more about what’s involved as you design your pleasurable 2021.

Join us December 16th at 1pm PT | 4pm ET to an intimate Zoom with Debra and I, where we will share more about our journeys and how this nutrition may support you. Here’s the link. We look forward to midwifing you along the path of transforming your health.

Every Detail

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Our home birth was so amazing, I keep going over the events in my mind, hoping to remember every little detail. It was three months ago now, and I still get goosebumps.

Ecstatic and Embodied

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by Nena Complo When you were almost here, about ready to emerge I knelt upon my bed, and fell into deep prayer To you I told you about everyone in the room, loving you and waiting for you I confided … Continued

Mexican Rebozo

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by Alejandra Lozano, LCCE, Midwife, Orgasmic Birth Community Manager Since the birth of her son Mariano, she became passionate about birth, and began her preparation to become a professional and traditional midwife, with the intention that more women have the … Continued

Holding Space for Pregnancy Loss

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October is Pregnancy Loss Awareness Month. About one in four pregnancies ends in pregnancy loss. For many people this can be an emotional process, and it is important that they receive care in a setting that is comfortable and safe.

Amy Wright Glenn, the Founder of The Institute for Birth, Breathe and Death has a special, limited time offer for you to expand your knowledge in supporting families around loss.

Prepare for an Orgasmic Birth

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You are the expert on your body and your baby! Your care providers should be like lifeguards there to help you when you need assistance, but otherwise they sit quietly in the corner as you navigate the gentle waters, giving you the privacy and safety you need to experience the intimacy and joy of childbirth.

How do you begin to prepare for an Orgasmic Birth?