by Wholistic_unity
During the time leading up to my daughters first birthday, all I could think about is the day she was born and how I’ll never be the same again.
Being pregnant and going through labor and birth has made me love my body for the first time. My husband and I researched and planned before becoming pregnant what we wanted to do. So when we reached 40 weeks everyone was losing their mind. Friends, Family, random strangers, and the list goes on. (Side note from Mandy: it should be a due month- a due date is an estimate not an expiration!) My husband and I already discussed that we would not be induced and baby will come when baby is ready. We wanted our baby to pick their birthday not some doctor or someone else. But it’s very sad when people aren’t educated about birth. I felt so empowered with all of my decisions in trusting my body, after all women have been birthing before there were midwives or doctors. As the days went by more and more people freaking out saying you need to go get induced, you’re gonna harm your baby, the longer you wait your baby could be born stillbirth. I tried to educate people about induction, and some people would listen and some thought I was crazy. Once we reached the end of 41 weeks even my midwife was kinda freaking out, so I sent her all the info I had read and after that she thanked me and she was on board too! In the info it said that gestation can range from 36 weeks to 44 weeks. The day before my labor starting I went for an Ultrasound at the request and recommendation of the midwife well I had a horrible experience that day. I had a ultrasound tech tell me I’m stupid and need to be induced ASAP as I was risking my baby’s life. She tried tearing me apart the whole appointment she then said she was right because my baby didn’t have the exact movements she wanted on her test. I told her that at that time of the day my baby sleeps and is quiet. She left to go get a doctor and he too proceeded to tell me to go get induced.
They tried to use the scare method and they both tried to put fear into me, but I did the research and I knew my baby was healthy.
After I left I did have a cry because I couldn’t believe I was treated like that! I called and told my midwife and my husband just to vent. I then picked up a tea and a cookie and sure enough baby woke up and was kicking up a storm from the sugar rush. I had a nice bath and forgot about the day.
The next day at 42 weeks and 3 days my labor started at 7 pm (early labor) and at 4 am our midwife came. I spent most of my labor in the birthing pool it felt amazing especially with an ice cold cloth on the back of my neck.
So this picture is what my birth space looked like. At home in our bedroom. The lighting was perfect, the warm water was heaven, I had essential oils in the humidifier, I had birthing music playing and most importantly I had the love and support of my amazing husband.
I must mention that he never took a break from treating me like a queen, and I couldn’t have done it without him.
I had an intense back labor and it wasn’t from baby’s position as baby was in the perfect position it’s just from how my cervix is and I was told all my births would be a back labor. Lucky for me we researched everything and I mean everything! Of course there was a little fear as this was my first baby but I threw all that fear away and listened to my body and everything turned out amazing. The birthing pool was pure bliss, I spent most of the time in there, some time on the bouncy ball doing hip circles, some time on the bed while my husband and midwife did lower back compressions. Some time squatting, time walking and time on the toilet and back into the pool again where I was loved and comforted by my husband who never stopped believing in me.
As I was laying in my husbands arms. I knew transition was happening because I must have said I can’t do it like 100 times, but my husband was my rock and said yes you can. For me the labor was the hard part. My pain was in my back the whole time so at first I tried fighting it and I didn’t know how to cope but I soon realized that was not helping and not getting me anywhere so I just stopped and let out a long sigh and listened to my body and I did everything my body was telling me to do. And as soon as I got out of the pool and laid sideways on the bed with my husband holding my leg up and open that’s when my body just opening up, the pain went away and a few breaths later at 4:13 pm on Jan 28th I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Born at 42 weeks and 3 days on her own terms. She was 6lbs 14oz.
She laid on my chest as my husband and I cried. A few moments later she latched and had her first feed. I remember every little detail from my birth. My birth was empowering and beautiful and I will always be proud of my body for what is did and what it’s still doing, nourishing my baby.
If I can say anything to a first time mama or to any mama it’s research everything! It’s your birth your choices. And listen to your body, trust your body and love your body.
We want to know what your birth space looked like!
Tag us on Instagram @OrgasmicBirth your birth ambiance photos – let’s inspire beautiful birth settings.
Mandy shares the childbirth story of her giving birth naturally at the homebirth stories of her daughter at 42 weeks + 3 days.
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