Now Become an obirth Affiliate

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Now Become an obirth Affiliate

Pleasurable Birth Now it is easy to share the obirth videos and make money- just by sharing them on your website.

This is a great opportunity to add content to your website while sharing the message of pleasure and possibilities in birth and life!

Choose one, two, three, or four of the obirth movies: Organic Birth, Pleasurable Birth 1, Pleasurable Birth 2, or Orgasmic Birth and simply click on the link for the video you want to embed. Click “share”. Where it reads “To begin earning money from sharing…” fill in your email. You will be provided instantly with the embed code- right on the same screen. Cut-n-paste the code into your source html code. Do you see the video? Congratulations! It is that easy!

Now every time people pay to rent or purchase the video you will receive 10% of the purchase. This is great opportunity to add videos to your site, to make money doing it, and to share gentle birth. Let us know if you want help setting it up. Thanks for all the work you do to bring messages of gentle birth to the world.

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